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2009/10 CWB Sept 23 PRO

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    2009/10 CWB Sept 23 PRO


    I see the farm gate CWB PRO for Sask. CW Feed Wheat is $2.18/bu.

    I do not see how any rational person... could logically reconcile CWB 'price premium' claims with $2.18/bu.

    What a disasterous economic impact the CWB has on our grain sector... with inputs of Phos at $1200/t and NH3 at $900/t that went into CWB crops.

    All the CWB monopoly did was lower our domestic feed grain prices all year long.

    It is simply astounding that winter wheat that was worth close to $6/bu the CWB sold for $3/bu.

    How can any sane rational 'designated area' grain farmer support the CWB and its claims they 'extract' a premium price for grain growers in western Canada?

    same story with feed barley.



      I have spent days trying to sort out winter wheat (ww) BPC/FPC CWB payments.

      The PPO system is extremely complex...Select ww not avaliable in western 'designated area' where it is grown... only in the eastern prairie where the variety Falcon is normally grown.

      This is straight CWB discrimination and a rip off.

      Why should I be required to discount price my top quality winter wheat; simply because the CWB refuses/is too lazy to have a bin at the port in Vancouver to accumulate a cargo of select ww? No... it is not this logical... it is more correctly simple theft. Like taking candy from a baby.

      What a farce. Every single grain co... is watching the CWB rip off farmers...

      Why not copy the CWB and rip us off too?


        CWB instore Vancouver is 5.85. My place in Sask. 1.7 off is 4.15 per bushel for feed wheat cwb pro. Where do you get 2.18 from? I agree the CWB if fn us big time keeping our local feed prices low to make themselves look like an ass or something.



          That is the 2009/10 Sept 23 PRO for feed wheat; $2.18/bu.

          On Select GDC winter wheat #1 Viterra:
          Agassiz, Binscarth, Booth Siding, Canora, Carnduff, Davidson, Fairlight, Grenfell, Humboldt, Knox, Langenburg, Melfort, Melville, Moose Jaw, Red River South, Regina East, Roblin, Saskatoon, South Lakes are the grain elevators it can be delivered to.

          Offer #2 (Horizon Milling) delivery points; immediate delivery: Cargill - Clavet, Davidson,
          Raymore, Rosetown. They certainly know how to get the least expensive best quality wheat!

          Alberta gets no GDC's No select premium.

          What a deal.


            A couple of links that may help this discussion.

            [URL="http://www.cwb.ca/dom/db/contracts/pool_return/pro.nsf/WebPRPub/2010_20100923.html?OpenDocument&CropYr=2010-11"]September PRO[/URL]

            <a href="http://www.cwb.ca/public/en/farmers/payments/pdf/2010-11_tonnes.pdf">CWB initial payments</a>

            How many farmers actually understand how the CWB sets PRO/payment spreads? A question to comtemplate to contemplate when you are out harvesting. Actually
            has nothing to do with individual prices but rather the CWB operations side percieved price relationship between different classes, grades and proteins. The CWB
            determines what these relationships are - not the market place.

            You can add the confusion the CWB use fixed price contracts based on initial payment spreads and even the CWB admits they are stupid. Do the initial payment
            spreads reflect the market today or will they be changed with an adjustment payment? You can gain or loss depending on when you cover an fpc.


              Simply a supply and Demand.
              Very little to none supply. 6 guys that grew oats two have frost and 2 are low production and 2 are high.
              Demand still their as US people eat rolled oats and granola bars because their cheap.
              Only other game in town has no crop or just enough to feed the Germans and some of Europe.
              So in a nutshell LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!


                Its not only grain company's that are watching the cwb rip-off the farmer. Apparently Harper,Ritz and company are enjoying the show also.
                The nfu must be enjoying the show also. As they watch their farm members lose thousand of dallars, they don't seem to have much to say.


                  I agree, oats has a high probability of much higher
                  prices. Some of that will also be due to what happens
                  with corn prices as the yields in the states are coming
                  in lower than expected and some serious amounts of
                  rain have just been dumped in the corn states. We
                  rolled our oat basis out to March a couple of weeks
                  ago for next to nothing, deliver now and price till


                    Asleep this AM. Should have put the links for the 2009/10 crop up.

                    [URL="http://www.cwb.ca/dom/db/contracts/pool_return/pro.nsf/WebPRPub/2009_20100923.html?OpenDocument&CropYr=2009-10"]2009-10 CWB PRO[/URL]


                      Don't forget-Once you deliver your oats-they got you and your oats-there is no incentive or reason for them to bid up the price.Keep them in the bin and you will be well rewarded.


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