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Well We Got to 1/3 done last night! HA

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    Well We Got to 1/3 done last night! HA

    Well late last night we finally got to a 1/3 done. Doing the hailed out three fields, not fun not fun at all. Travel with hydro full out slow for water running then giver again. Cant use cart in fields since their are three streams 3ft wide running through the half section.
    So far her is a sum of what we found.
    Durum Great yield but quality is shits grading poor 3 to lower.
    HRS done yield good but not like some liquid fert fields in area on pea stubble one might make 70 no kidding Ill get pictures you judge. Grade any thing off early will grade a 2 now three.
    Peas ours averaged not that bad given the year with hail flood etc. But this was do to the fact 3 of our 6 yielded awesome then take out hailed out and flooded and you get average. Their are at least 2000 acres around me of peas that farmers have abandoned and are leaving for the geese. Their to wet, regrowing and worthless.
    Canola funny to harvest hill tops look at monitor and its saying stupid numbers then as you start to drop elevation to next hill it goes in the other direction and fast hits 3 to 6 and then heads back up. Unfortunately in our area with gently rolling their are more flat than hilly so yield is shits. Their are some nice crops but it depends on seeding date, hail, amount of rain at flowering and fert method. By far this year liquid fert out performed anhydrous, and granular plus floating fert. Pig shit is OK.
    Will hit barley on sat and then oats Monday. Funny oats at 120 and $4.00 will probably be my highest valued crop. Go figure.
    On Durum and HRS I will be taking samples to ND later this winter and see what they think its worth then maybe a run at border? Winter in Jail or Mexico or Hawaii or Florida. I say Jail but wife says no way. Have a safe time pulling out equipment, one guy west of us had a chain break and go threw the window of tractor. No injuries just scared shit-less. So be careful the Crop isn't worth dying over.

    Sounds like your harvest isn't that bad, eh?

    I believe you were one of the guys complaining the sky
    was going to fall.

    Meanwhile, wheat yields around Dauphin - Fork River
    are 3 - 30bu/ac and canola 4 to 40, with a LOT of 10s.


      Klaus were the same or way lower on canola. HRS is hit and miss some guys have great next 30 PS poor. Just all based on timing and field elevation and down pours. Yes I was complaining and yes our yields will be roughly half of last year. Half Klaus Half. Talk to guys around Dauphin and average will be same HALF CROP>


        And Last year was... 30% above average?

        I farm between Dauphin and Fork River.

        Let's see... most of us re-seeded, some reseeded
        twice... and most has no crop to show for it.

        30% of land is unseeded. That's Crop Ins. numbers.
        Talked to adjustor... roughly another 30% drowned

        Canola - area average ~47bu/ac over 5 years. This
        year, ~15.

        Wheat - area average ~ 55bu/ac over 5 years. This
        year, ~15 - ~20.

        Half? You have got to be kidding. When you look at
        a 320ac field of Eldridge clay that produced
        70bu/ac canola and this year isn't worth harvesting,
        you know there's a BIG problem.

        On my farm wheat did OK, but it's soft white and no
        hard red. Canola isn't all too hot. Will be lucky to
        average 15 over the half of intended acres. Last
        year the farm averaged just over 50.

        All I'm saying is count your blessings. At least you
        have $480/ac oats


          Wow, 70 bushel wheat and 120 bushel oats. Wish i had streams in my field.


            Sk3,can't use cart? Do you drive the combines through the streams? That is what we did till ruts got too soft, went to another field.

            Still testing 16% and stupid thick fog again!

            Wheat average about 30, but lost 20% to drowned, therefore, 24 over seeded acres. Last year 55 average.

            One 30 acre high ridge might go 80, potential was there, just 20" too much rain!
            Rain makes grain, too much rain takes grain, ruins the soil, could toast the farm.
            The wicked compaction from harvest machinery on these muck soil will hurt the crop for years.

            No oats in area.


              Wheat 25, canola 21. Definitely not happy days around here.


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