As soon as I get this fricking useless crop in the bin I will be making our fall trip to ND. At that time I will be taking my HRS and Durum.
In Canada they say the HRS is a good three, why not a piss poor two. The durum is a 5 but they want my last years HM. FRUCK YOU!
And whats up with their protein machines. RAIN RAIN RAIN> yet 13.5 to 15.6 protein. HM
The last time the crop graded this bad it was only in NE Sask so the grain companies paid PS all and trucked the grain down to Weyburn then loaded cars and headed to USA.
It was the great grain robbery of 2004.
Simply the word this year isn't midge (I guess in our area it didn't pay to spray). It isn't Frost but the word is
( M I L D E W_) Learn it you will be hearing a lot about it.
So now that were in this tweezers grading system where they take 300 seeds and individually go with tweezers through the sample and pick out one fusarium in 300 oh that's bad.
Farmers were getting screwed by these useless useless people.
WE LET IT HAPPEN and now we will pay.
I bet the US farmer wouldn't put up with this shit.
SO here is challenge take samples to ND see with your own eyes what it will grade. Falling numbers and high protein makes BREAD> Frost etc doesn't effect quality unless is shit like 2002.
In Canada they say the HRS is a good three, why not a piss poor two. The durum is a 5 but they want my last years HM. FRUCK YOU!
And whats up with their protein machines. RAIN RAIN RAIN> yet 13.5 to 15.6 protein. HM
The last time the crop graded this bad it was only in NE Sask so the grain companies paid PS all and trucked the grain down to Weyburn then loaded cars and headed to USA.
It was the great grain robbery of 2004.
Simply the word this year isn't midge (I guess in our area it didn't pay to spray). It isn't Frost but the word is
( M I L D E W_) Learn it you will be hearing a lot about it.
So now that were in this tweezers grading system where they take 300 seeds and individually go with tweezers through the sample and pick out one fusarium in 300 oh that's bad.
Farmers were getting screwed by these useless useless people.
WE LET IT HAPPEN and now we will pay.
I bet the US farmer wouldn't put up with this shit.
SO here is challenge take samples to ND see with your own eyes what it will grade. Falling numbers and high protein makes BREAD> Frost etc doesn't effect quality unless is shit like 2002.