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CWB District Elections

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    CWB District Elections

    Last day for nominations. Will be interesting to see if a full slate of candidates for all five districts.

    [URL="http://www.cwbelection.com/candidate-info/candidate-profiles"]candidate profiles[/URL]

    Who do I vote for if they are all pro CWB or just throw it in the garbage.


      after reading all the bios "puke puke" I am considering selling my farm and relocating to North Battleford to vote for Vicki Dutton. Most of the bio's are plain pathetic and even laughable at some of the comments such as "over 70% of my farm receipts are from board grains" Now here is a fella qualified. LOL !! I did'nt produce 20% of my yearly income from board grains last year, let alone 70%. Oh the borg supporters are such a highly educated and progressive farming bunch.. Once again my vote isn't worth the paper it will be written on..


        Oh that poor bugger with 70% of his income from borg gains - I THINK I SEEN HIM IN S'TOON - on a street corner with a one legged chicken playing a banjo.


          good one furrow, LOL!


            I am gonna vote fer the pro board guy in our area, not the angribusiness man whos trying to destroy the board from within!


              In my short career of working off farm, it was always interesting to see how a differing point of view made for a stronger management team and a better company.


                The CWB represents farmers business interests in somewhere between
                $5 and $7 bln of wheat and barley sales. I suspect having a capable
                board of directors to provide the operations side strategic direction and
                performance targets they can be held accountable to is critical to the
                CWB's success as an agribusiness organization.


                  Furrowtickler I'm with you,impossible too generate on farm profit with cwb grains, but,who knows, there always may be an exception... every farm is different.
                  You know on the other hand if you wish too run for a cwb director, should not a majority of ones income come from cwb grains?
                  When I look at these cwb candidates profiles, it looks like 3/4's of them are generated from the nfu propaganda machine. But yet,if you believe the cwb is your most honest and reputable marketer of choice, why then would the cwb not be your soul marketing partner. Seems hypocritically and disingenuous to say you grow a number of crops which do not include cwb as your marketing partner, but yet you wish tooooo run for a cwb director seat.
                  It seems very odd that the cwb would not require this has a prerequisite for their elections.


                    Tipsy...If one moves away from board grains because they don't make one enough profit, that gives one all the more reason to run as a director....IT HAS IMPACTED YOUR BUSINESS. Not to mention situations that affect your business directly such as limited ability to haul canola because wheat is plugging the system or why are only non-board grains being value added in my area or my feed barley price is lower because local feeders base their price on initials/PRO's of CWB feed barley pools or ...I could go on and on about how the CWB directly and indirectly affects every farm out there.


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