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One side Wins other looses!!!!!

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    One side Wins other looses!!!!!

    Well according the the gospel of Kevin Hursh he has a big canola crop. Good for you Kevin your article was well written but its the west side of Sask. you have a bumper canola crop. Shitty lentil and shitty hrs and shitty durum all grading what shit. But i digress.
    Yes your getting also a great price but if the East would have seeded its 10 million acres you would have got jack shit for a price so thank us. We loose you win.
    Sask Ag came out with their analysis.

    Wet weather results in record unseeded acreageOctober 15, 2010
    Excess moisture has been a significant cause of loss this year. The Unseeded Acreage feature of the Crop Insurance Program provides coverage of $50 per eligible claim acre on crop land that was too wet to seed. To date, the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) has received 12,277 unseeded acreage claims, of which 98 per cent have been paid a total of $217.5 million.
    The Establishment Benefit provides producers with compensation when seeded crops fail to establish, meaning the plant density is below the recommended level. There are 4,913 claims registered with 4,845 claims paid a total of $13.9 million.
    If producers wish to put their crops to an alternative use other than harvest, a pre-harvest claim is registered. As of October 15, producers have registered 1,582 pre-harvest claims. There have also been 1,771 post-harvest claims registered for yield-loss on harvested crops.
    SCIC insured 21.44 million acres seeded in the province in 2010. The total value of these insured crops is estimated to be $2.7 billion. Crop Insurance customers reported 6.8 million acres remained unseeded this year.
    Excess Moisture Program (EMP)
    In July, the Federal and Provincial governments launched the EMP, an AgriRecovery initiative providing $30 per eligible acre for land that was too wet to seed or crop that was lost due to flooding. Claims are still being processed and adjustments are coming in from producers as they conduct their harvest. As of October 15, SCIC has received 20,886 EMP applications and 94 per cent of those claims have been paid a total of $231.8 million.
    Now that were almost done will be buy Wednesday night one looks at the 30 dollars and laughs its a joke really and the 50 is also a joke really. What does this actually cover. Shit all its simple.
    Now Kevin be happy shut your trap and remember you need a Bag per quarter to equal 60 bushels an acre.

    Good post sf3, also on the 12 bucks from the province what a joke, and now the inpections are done you have to be at minimum plants for the flood to pay out. What about all the acres where there are plants but piss poor yield, crop insurance sure isn't gonna cover all that loss. Sask party has failed farmers in the areas that have had multi-year loss, they sure knew what to say when they were in opposition but now they are in hiding behind Ritz who says one day agristability will work and then when the female agminister from ontario has his ying yang in a vice he says it's no good.

    Hate to say it but Mr. Lingenfelter just released yesterday the exact same sentiment that areas need a shit load more help than 12 measly dollars. If he gets it what the hell is wrong with the Sask party?


      I hate the NDP with a passion and every one knows that but this is BS.
      Guys who farm in the West picture the big slough at Val jean on highway to swift current. Farmer seeds it now have rain we had this year plus have three more and then tell me what the hell you will have in the west.
      I have had disasters wiping out total crop in 2002 and 2004 then Big yields and guess what the Payment for the shitty years take years to come then you end up owing them money because you turned your feed to a ps poor three in Manitoba. Its a fricking joke then to top it off hursh makes it sound like their was a huge crop in Sask. Yes the west did awesome but Huge acres are gone in East. Simply one good one bad. They win we loose again. YEA.


        so you're saying it was okay for the west to get wiped out last year and raise domestic prices but this year is a disaster?


          You weren't wiped out last year you sold some crop. You got crop isurance. Live on 65 and mud slop where just years ago was awsome land.


            i drove through wome of those areas last year. just as good of land as you farm and they got a ten or twenty percent crop. i'm not wishing ill on anybody but isn't this farming? all the technology in the world ain't gonna change the weather.


              I agree all tec. Does shit all mother nature rules the roost. We have worst crop around, longest direct seeders ,ew bourgalt that's awsome when dry 20 years full round up and landscaped wtc etc and guess what SFA. What ps me off is all the programs really don't work in a total disaster and that BS is what really bugs me.


                Whether it is drought or flood hail, east west south or north etc there has to be a better program get rid of the monsterous administration Agrivation make a good crop insurance boot out of crop insurance the anti farmer employee gang and get on with it.

                No way those that had no crop loss the last 5 years should get the windfall lottery and the ones hit by other weather disasters nothing.


                  I agree the programs are not working at all from what I hear and read.
                  S/F - it is funny how farmers have short memories, ie: 2000 to 2003 out west was not fun either and we froze just as hard in 2004. It should not be a pissin match from west to east, western Canada is a huge geographical area in which there will be huge variations in climate year to year. I hope that things turn out better for most of you next year. Not all the wheat, lentils peas were shit either btw. Their is no doubt that "if" all the canola acres went in it would be a different story for sure but that's mother natures call not your felow western farmers - next year may be the other way around - if not too wet, too dry - time will tell but hey that's farmin..


                    I've put alot of though into this topic since finishing harvest. After calculating a $250,000 reduction in margin on account of too much rain I pondered this question. If a farmer expects to be bailed out when there is crop failure does that not mean they should have to give back excess margin in years of high returns? That would be the thesis providing the attitude of government involvement is congruent. That sounds like communism to me, and that is not what I singed up for. So what do you want, a buisness or a to be an employee of basically a state owned farm?

                    SF3, why is it that you are resentful of your wester counterparts? Some had a good year, good on them. Most were on the verge of going under this year this year saved their bacon. That's good news story in my books. I'd trade a disaster this year for the crop you "east" guys got when canola was $12-16. That year we had 3.5" of rain between seeding and july 27 with no rain event being more than 4 tenths.

                    Stop being such a baby. The issue is the fact that our crop insurance and other support systems are inadequate and suffers from leakage in multi year crop failures, not that half the province got a good crop and the other half was shitty. Ohterwise I would suggest if you can't stomach the ups and downs of farming find a job that pays a salary.

                    Here's hoping that we all get good crops and fair prices in '11 and that the fert companies don't couge us too bad.


                      Never have I said I'm not happy for the guys on west side were farmers what ps me off is his report in the star talking about big yields and not saying its in west not all sask. Then I get calls from relatives saying I read in paper you did really good or like neighbor last night very surprised how well it turned out that's the jist. Now on crop insurance with their audits of flood damage and all the. BS programs that are out their that don't work on a very big disaster that's it no cry baby wa wa Fruck we have enough water crying would just add to our problem. So sorry I wasn't downing the wests great fortune.


                        Never have I said I'm not happy for the guys on west side were farmers what ps me off is his report in the star talking about big yields and not saying its in west not all sask. Then I get calls from relatives saying I read in paper you did really good or like neighbor last night very surprised how well it turned out that's the jist. Now on crop insurance with their audits of flood damage and all the. BS programs that are out their that don't work on a very big disaster that's it no cry baby wa wa Fruck we have enough water crying would just add to our problem. So sorry I wasn't downing the wests great fortune.


                          Your big disaster still out produced our 3 year drought big time. 10-15 bus wheat, 5-10 bus peas, 10-15 bus canola ect. And that was guys with crop, alot had zero production for two years. Kinda like freewheat but on the other end of the spectrum. We know full well the problems with all programs - they only pay out to 10% of those who need it. Not sayin you did not have a tough year from what you are used to but many others were and have been alot worse off than you were this year.


                            Ok furrow here is the question. Did you get money after your wrecks from any of the fed/prov programs that helped with your loss. I bet the answer is Jack shit.


                              We ended up with basicaly nothing as I have said many times before. One that point I and many others agree with you, it's not like we have not been there before.


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