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CWB Strategies

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    CWB Strategies

    Just curious on whether anyone is following the fixed price contracts and other producer payment options? Strategies?

    Reason I highlight is my numbers put the fpc for 1CWRS 13.5 at $6.75 to maybe $7/bu in fartherest west Alberta with some trucking premiums. Feed wheat with an fpc (discount included) close to $5/bu. $5.50/bu for 1CPS.

    When you planted your wheat crop this spring (May), the 1CWRS 13.5 PRO was $4.35/bu.

    Sign up on the "A" series? Grainflo?


      No I am not following the cwb fixed price prices, so this might sound a little stupid. What is CWSWS wheat worth?


        Local Alberta price of $190 to $195/tonne. $5.25/bu.



          thanks for the slap, my price 4.89 for pro here sorta mid sask. eye openner gotta watch cwb pricing now, I hear a lot of farmers that contracted with Belle Plaine did not get the acres in so they should be cleaned out, the farmers that is.


            Charlie the price I stated was Sept. pro, you are going with fixed price which is 16 cents above pro. As far as I know Nov. pro is not out yet but should it not kick the shit out of Sept. pro?


              A thing that will have to be watched on SWS/other alternatives is the implications of
              an "A" series contract signup and from there GDC contracts. Your risk on
              something like soft white is the CWB will not have markets and therefore not offer
              GDC contracts in last half of the crop year. GDC contracts are also elevator specific
              and may not be your local one (actually may be a long ways from your farm).


                I might take the opportunity to highlight basis levels on current fpc contracts. Historically strong.

                The CWB has provided several years of history to provide guidance on basis decision.

                [URL="http://www.cwb.ca/public/en/farmers/producer/historical/#basis"]historical basis[/URL]

                A reason I posted this site is:

                Ensure everyone is taking the time to follow CWB PPO values.

                Using them to get paid on delivery (or in this case, 2 to 3 weeks after). Are the programs perfect? No but they are what is being made available to you. Use them.


                  I'll bite Charlie... 1/4 signed to Grainflo Period 2, 1/2 signed to A series, and 1/4 left for seed, estimating errors(ha,ha)or to see what happens. 40% priced with FPC/BPCs netting about 6.40 for 2 CWRS 13.5 protein (thinking protein will average out 13.7) in SE SK. Don't like the EPO. Tempted to secure more pricing but of course I worry about what we might be giving up! Am thinking about 2011 pricing too. Have sold Kansas City futures twice, lost my nerve, and bought them back. Am considering a doing a CWB futures contract so that I wouldn't have to think about margin and would stop changing my mind!


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