Just curious on whether anyone is following the fixed price contracts and other producer payment options? Strategies?
Reason I highlight is my numbers put the fpc for 1CWRS 13.5 at $6.75 to maybe $7/bu in fartherest west Alberta with some trucking premiums. Feed wheat with an fpc (discount included) close to $5/bu. $5.50/bu for 1CPS.
When you planted your wheat crop this spring (May), the 1CWRS 13.5 PRO was $4.35/bu.
Reason I highlight is my numbers put the fpc for 1CWRS 13.5 at $6.75 to maybe $7/bu in fartherest west Alberta with some trucking premiums. Feed wheat with an fpc (discount included) close to $5/bu. $5.50/bu for 1CPS.
When you planted your wheat crop this spring (May), the 1CWRS 13.5 PRO was $4.35/bu.