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    Stash of cash - must have the wrong old guy!

    I still have my 2500 tonnes of flax in my bins, though.

    I think you need another 1000 acres of flax to combine. All the Case ones in the area, and one NH have thrown their rub bars grinding it out.

    No trouble with your 9600?


      Both gave me tonnes of trouble.(know me?)

      100,000 bushels of flax?and you never bothered
      seeding a crop this year?And you cant stand hearing
      about what ag bulls have to say about the situation?


        Thanks for your concern Checking but I have learned how to mitigate the risk of share ownership and capitalize on stock market fluctuations both up and down. I have found it pays well to do this yourself as brokers charge too much and aren't on the ball when markets move.


          Actually I put high dividend paying stocks into TFSA like BA.UN pays 11 percent div. every year. They won't be paying that high a dividend after year end though.


            I am happy with RIM the last week had nice gains and I think there is still upside potential. Bring up a 10 year chart and add a revenue line one billion dollars per year revenue increase over last 4 years. No dividend, but stock is bouncing from a low that they should never have been in in my opinion. Very good stock price to income ratio.

            UUU showing a profit for the first time.
            Nice gainer also in the last few weeks.
            Happy dance. No div.

            Appl still gaining and doing good up over 15 percent since I bought not long ago.

            Thinking to get SCP into the one of the accounts.

            I like Canadian banks, check amount of share price increase over 10 years plus div. money. Then check the previous 10 years. They got everyone paying and locked into higher interest at a time when everyone could have easily been paying 2 to 3 percent less on floating with no increase in sight. I have BMO.

            Don't have MOS but think there is going to be some impressive gains coming. Over 6 percent today. Look at the gouging that is about to happen, natural gas at all time lows and higher grain prices, this stock will be on fire when we start buying fertilizer.

            Cotton can you give me some companies that deal with rare earth metals? China has most of the world production and they are about to cut exports, obviously to increase their revenues.


              Molycorp(MCP)would be the most obvious choice for rare earth metals as I believe they own the largest non-Chinese deposit.
              You say China is about to cut exports to increase their revenues - how does that work? less exports = higher prices but on less volume. Might it not be a ploy by the Chinese to drive up price, get more areas of the world into production then increase their exports once more, collapse the world price and pick up the newly developed sources for cents on the dollar? Given that MCP is closest to developing a big deposit outside China I would think that would be a smart move by the Chinese.


                I have not known the Chinese to gouge us yet, I believe it is for securing internal supply to its own manufacturing industry.


                  news article I just read,

                  "I don't believe that China is going to completely embargo the United States and the European Union as relates to rare earths," Molycorp Inc (MCP) CEO Mark Smith told the conference.

                  "I do believe however that we're going to see reductions in the export quotas coming out of China," he added.

                  China roiled the high-tech industry and boosted metals prices in July when it announced it would cut export quotas for rare earth minerals by 72 percent for the second half of 2010 -- continuing a drop in exports of the material since 2008."

                  I see MCP is up 12 percent today on average volume 3.5 million trades, not too shabby. But the company has never in its life showed profit. A chart I bring up shows untraded recently for a year. With an increase in revenue in the middle of that time and then an explosion in share price with the revenues dropping back to previous basically no revenues. Lets revue this, the Chinese produce 97 percent of the rare earth metals used in the world and they cut export quotas by 72 percent. And I don't see anyone screaming? huh

                  RES a Canadian stock is also exploding, with 0 revenues showing on my chart, they are in exploration stage, but at much less loss per share than MCP. Perhaps a better run company.


                    I was looking at this stuff a few years ago and didnt
                    ended up buying anything(except in the cobalt
                    market which isnt exactly rare earth).By then
                    molyebnium(sp) had already made its move and i
                    thought i was to late to the party so never ended up
                    doing to much research.

                    As far as i can see there isnt even an etf for this
                    stuff and there is an etf for everything.

                    if a large amount of capital moved into this market
                    prices would go stratospheric because of its relitive



                      Too much potential for a bubble that will burst to get my money.


                        Decided to buy 5000 dollars worth of RES this morning. Now they are worth 5250.
                        Not bad for 2 hours sitting at computer.


                          I lied now they are worth 5304 dollars. Maybe I should shut up they could go the other way. At moment I am riding the bubble up.


                            Res shares now worth 5395.00



                              Ah, you can take me to dinner any time you say, fur. LOL Dress up. Good wine.

                              There is a an exploration company ...rare earth metals ...exploring in Northern Canada.

                              Some of the best finds in the world. Pars


                                About swallowing RIM:



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