Agree with you in the overall scheme of things, pulling the contract doesn't make any difference. The CWB sell what it has and take 100 % delivery of newly contracted "A" series earlier than they might have otherwise. The CWB also knows it will get everyones durum eventually ("B" series, 2011/12, 2012/13, etc.) - they are the only buyer at the end of the day.
Having said, no one is breaking rules. Farmers have until Nov. 1 (stand corrected) to commit which means they can withdraw their contract prior to the deadline. The same rules give the opportunity to review contracted volumes and decide how much they will take by the middle of November. If the CWB accepted the contract at signing, then the argument might be different.
Perhaps my frustration is the lack of effective pricing programs for durum. Feed barley - 6 month pooling with a low cost 100 % EPO. Malt barley - cash plus. Wheat ex durum - fpc related to US futures. Durum - high cost risk management paid for by the farmer that are totally ineffective. If the CWB wants a more effective system that matches deliveries sales, then the CWB (starting with the B. of D.) had better figure out how to include durum price signals into their logistics.
Agree with you in the overall scheme of things, pulling the contract doesn't make any difference. The CWB sell what it has and take 100 % delivery of newly contracted "A" series earlier than they might have otherwise. The CWB also knows it will get everyones durum eventually ("B" series, 2011/12, 2012/13, etc.) - they are the only buyer at the end of the day.
Having said, no one is breaking rules. Farmers have until Nov. 1 (stand corrected) to commit which means they can withdraw their contract prior to the deadline. The same rules give the opportunity to review contracted volumes and decide how much they will take by the middle of November. If the CWB accepted the contract at signing, then the argument might be different.
Perhaps my frustration is the lack of effective pricing programs for durum. Feed barley - 6 month pooling with a low cost 100 % EPO. Malt barley - cash plus. Wheat ex durum - fpc related to US futures. Durum - high cost risk management paid for by the farmer that are totally ineffective. If the CWB wants a more effective system that matches deliveries sales, then the CWB (starting with the B. of D.) had better figure out how to include durum price signals into their logistics.