I agree the price for a #2 high protein better be $4.50 in my pocket then I will wait for the rest otherwise ps on them.
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The day after the CWB left a message begging for my durum I cancelled my A series contract. I would suggest to every farmer.... cancel your A series durum contract... you have until Oct 30th.
When the CWB sends anything to me in the mail, I return it to them with a big F@#K OFF written on it.
You know you guys sometimes amaze me. How can some of you farm the acres you do and still be so dumb!!! As much as I despise the CWB, to cancel your durum contract is the most stupid thing to do. I actually cannot believe that you guys do not know that the CWB will always fill there agreements on there grain sales to there customers. IF THE TONNAGE IS NOT THERE FOR CWB, THEY WILL SIMPLY GO TO THE U.S. FOR DURUM TO BUY TO FILL THERE SALES. Once again the Canadian farmer has helped out the U.S farmer. COME ON GUYS WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!
smallguy.... sorry you think I am dumb and stupid.... however I don't think you are stupid just because you are going to supply the CWB with grain at whatever price they will give you, if that works for you then great.
I sold 20,000 bu off-board for $4.00 last January and have about 18,000 bu left. If the CWB will give me only $5 for my durum for the 10/11 year, then I would rather sell it for $4 and get all my money now, or I will keep it until 11/12 and take my chances then. Regardless of any of this, I try to seed as little CWB grains as I can, and will continue to do so until the CWB is gone.
You do what you want with your durum. I dont give a dam and either does the CWB. The point is that if you think that by cancelling a contract you are showing the CWB who is boss, you are not. Like I posted earlier the CWB WILL deliver on there grain sales, and yes there first option is to buy it from the U.S. If you do not believe this, take the afternoon to check this out. Then when you find out that this is actually true, let me know who you are really are hurting more, the CWB or the western grain farmer.
Did you know?
• In 2009-10, the CWB only accepted 52% of the durum crop.
• Total payments received by the CWB wouldn’t even cover cost of production.
• So far in 2010-11, the CWB has already accepted 50% of the durum crop.
• Crop production costs have yet to be covered.
• Even after the current Contract Calls are fulfilled, there will be the equivalent of one full Canadian crop sitting in farmers bins.
• Two years of large deficits on the farm have forced many durum producers to sell last year’s high quality durum into the domestic feed market at much reduced prices.
• The CWB is now scrambling for high quality durum.
• Currently, the Initial Payment is $1.74/bu at the farmgate and you can only sell half.
• The street price in Montana is about $8.77/bu (in Canadian dollars) and they can sell it all.
Is this the deal you wanted?
Read the full story at www.cwbmonitor.blogspot.com
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