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Ford Wins Toronto! Does the Media have it wrong!

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    Ford Wins Toronto! Does the Media have it wrong!

    Seems to me the Media has a bias in this country to the Liberanos and the NDP. See in the Toronto election the media had it a dead heat between ford and the second dude who worked for the old mayor. You know raw rah were bigger govt union jobs green etc etc. The public went with the guy who wants to clean up the system start again get rid of useless programs designed for a few by a few and inconveniences a huge number of the population. Now Ill leave out Fed politics because I bet its the same if Harper would just say enough is enough lets get this ship strait and see where the chips drop. BS or clean up. I bet he would win.
    Now I feel the same is happening with the CWB if FARMERS just got off their ASS and actually went out and voted, and voted for a guy who says it like it is and when they got their actually did end it not take the money and run, I think the CWB would be done for good. Their seems to be a change and maybe the voters are finally tired with status quo that all good Canadians follow.

    This is just the beginning, I think. As long as Ford doesn't do something crazy and scare off the electorate, I think we are going to see a lot more of this type of outcome at every level of government.

    In our municipal elections yesterday, there were a lot of old established councilors/mayors, etc. booted out and new faces put in. Our own municipality underwent a complete change, much to the relief of many.


      Immigration needs fixing



        I also agree on that point. My grandfather and mother came to canada with nothing but a suit case. Made a living and raised families with good values, they learnt English, and integrated with the ones who came before them, they forgot about old grudges back home and even changed religions, basically they fitted in. Now we have free loaders coming to Canada to take advantage of what we work so hard for.


          SK3-your generalizations block you thinking.

          Canada, and especially Saskatchewan, need foreign people, like your grandparents, to continue to move here. We can not continue to grow without them. I met a guy recently, that moved to Sask within the last couple years and originally from Columbia. Good work ethic, sharp, has follow thru, does not promimse what he can not deliver and generally does what he says and makes things happen. No endless phone calls to find out they "forgot" to order this or look after that. This is refreshing. The guy actually wants to work and achieve his best and amazingly, takes pride in his performance. He is assimilating and is a genuine great person and i bet his family follows his work. A company in US wanted to hire him but he wanted to be in Canada. Kids being raised today should take note of the work ethic of some of these foreigners.


            I think we need to keep our own kids at home, offer them a future here if they so choose and it is starting to happen. Strong family farms are gaining stentgh here for that reason. I still think the big co-orperate farms are no good for anyone and will eventualy fail the investors as well - if they solely rely on agriculture with inexperianced farm labour. Other sectors of non-farm business it may be the only way. Without a doubt the hardest working, most efficient new people in the food sector around here are new transplants from almost anywhere but here.


              Dave what I mean is the Boat people who show up and claim refugee status. Just plain BS.
              Multicultural doesn't work look at Germany France as examples.
              When you come here simple
              Get job. Any job.
              Learn language any of the official two.
              IF cant find job and wont work shipped home.
              Cant sponsor old relatives who move for free medical.
              Stop the madness.




                  Absolutely sf3, come to Canada if and only if you want to be Canadian, your welcome to practice your religion language etc. on your own time on your own dime, otherwise mandatory learn English or French in Quebec. Canadian kids have to learn Chineese, hindu, even the first nations thing, bs to shove all that down our throats.


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