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[PIC] One project Done. Second one to go!

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    [PIC] One project Done. Second one to go!

    mg src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs002.ash2/33481_10150119795444689_747004688_7516997_4268799_ n.jpg"/>

    Could I put an ad in the Western Producer for you under the Wanted ads:

    Wanted: 6'2 girly mate for farmer that likes to rip apart and fix local scrap. Must like country western music, chew gum, yodel, have larger than size ten feet, and make perogies. Call Klaus.

    When you begin to enjoy posting pictures like this Klaus, you really really need some playtime. LOL Pars


      How did you get your truck box so clean...no jackall, beer cans, twine, rocks...are you sure you're a farmer?


        Why spend to money on an ad when you have already found him Parsley!




          Well... I posted it to see if I could get some lighthearted comments going... seems it's working!

          WIth the dreary weather and the year we've all gone through... some laughing does us all well. hahaha!

          Sorry pars, I'm taken!


            bgmb, Sounds like you're missing your clothes. Is your real name Charlie Sheen? lOLOLOLOL Pars


              Where did you find a used axle? That's got to be rare. What's the red iron on tailgate?


                Red iron is a guard straightener I re'con.


                  I got that axle, with bearings, seals, and drive shaft for a whopping total of... $250!

                  They came from Worthington's in Niverville, MB.

                  I ordered a new bearing ($80) and a new seal ($12) for it, as when it's apart makes sense to put new ones in. Old one cracked out when the bearing failed.

                  A new housing alone is $540. The shaft is $380. The end-cap and four bolts are $75, and the hub is $220... So all in all the used one was a bargain.

                  That red thing is a home-made guard straightener... 1.5x1.5 square stock, 2x2 square stock welded on top of it half way up the length of the long stock... Then two bearing locking collars welded together, and welded to the tube stock. Haven't broken it yet, and it works awesome!


                    worthingtons closing their doors oct 31????


                      Well of course they must be shutting down, selling good parts that cheap, how the heck could they keep goin!!!


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