The OWB is effectively a non-participant in the marketing of Ontario wheat and it's safe to say that basically all Ontario farmers are OK with that. The little bit of wheat that is grown in Quebec is mandated to be sold through the Regie de something (my french is terrible) and I can't imagine that all Quebec farmers are Ok with that, but that's how they "democratically" voted.
I haven't a clue what the rules and regs are with regards to exporting seed wheat and barley but suspect that the volumes are fairly small (less than 100,000 tonnes ???). You tell me.
I'd also guess that the majority of exported feed wheat and feed barley is done through the regular channels (CWB direct or through AE's) and very little is done as manufactured feed. Stand to be corrected so point me to the stats/numbers that would suggest otherwise. charliep can act as arbitrator on this one.
Long story short, maybe a voluntary CWB survives in an open market, maybe it doesn't, but that's the beauty of an open market. But "dual" it ain't and I don't think the choice people did to rely on that sort of weasel words.
I haven't a clue what the rules and regs are with regards to exporting seed wheat and barley but suspect that the volumes are fairly small (less than 100,000 tonnes ???). You tell me.
I'd also guess that the majority of exported feed wheat and feed barley is done through the regular channels (CWB direct or through AE's) and very little is done as manufactured feed. Stand to be corrected so point me to the stats/numbers that would suggest otherwise. charliep can act as arbitrator on this one.
Long story short, maybe a voluntary CWB survives in an open market, maybe it doesn't, but that's the beauty of an open market. But "dual" it ain't and I don't think the choice people did to rely on that sort of weasel words.