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    Recently Russia's Kamchatka spew volcano
    giant ash and those ash cloud toward east Pacific Ocean. What does this mean for next year North American weather may effect?

    With this last rain and wet snow and ground soaking it up not frozen, I'd say 80 to 90% chance we do not seed unless snowless winter, so not much of an issue for us at least.


      Another volcano in Indonesia, tsunami and earthquake. Scary yes!


        Russia Volcano spew ash threw about 10 km or 33000 ft high into atmosphere. Depend on how fine ash, if it is powder fine, it may stay atmosphere quite longer. Reflect sun heat back to space and down below get cooler and maybe effect change jet stream. Recall volcano happen in Mt Helen in 82 and drought in mid states bring canola soar to record high in 83. Never forgot on that one. Think $12 is highest in my memorize.


          Mt. St. Helen's was May 18, 1980. Record early dry spring. We were all done seeding by May 10, in fact camping at lake when I heard of the volcano. Never rained here till July, crop was a poor germinated mess. Hills germinated in July. No weeds to to spray, but all grew after July to make a weedy thin crop. Pre - harvest glyphosate was not done then. Finished harvest in November that year too waiting for second growth, lots of frozen feed!


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