Freewheat makes an excellent point on the barley vote. I too, voted the dual market option, but ever given the opportunity again, I would vote for an open market in a heartbeat.
The CWB continues to set itself up for extinction rather that adaption.
As far as Mr. Robsons letter, I find nothing worth rebutting in it. His bombshell argument being that Mr. Depape was once employed by Cargill?
I also find it entertaining that Robson finds the "numbers" in Depapes write-up to be "meaningless"!
He probably has trouble with math, which is why he thinks the CWB does such a great job! lol
The CWB continues to set itself up for extinction rather that adaption.
As far as Mr. Robsons letter, I find nothing worth rebutting in it. His bombshell argument being that Mr. Depape was once employed by Cargill?
I also find it entertaining that Robson finds the "numbers" in Depapes write-up to be "meaningless"!
He probably has trouble with math, which is why he thinks the CWB does such a great job! lol