agstar, does consolidation meet YOUR goals?
For example, some people are interested in efficiency. Others is feeding the world. Oin making money. Others in a way of life. Others in owning all the land they can find to buy.
You don't seem to want the government reducing the number of farms, is this accurate?
If so, what role do you WANT to see gov't playing, in your operation? Any?
Are farmers better off WITH legislation or without it, according to what you would like?
Everybody jump in.
I ask, because I do not see coherent, nor consistent, nor relevent, nor well thought out policy coming forth from government.
They've practiced for years, but I have concluded, that farmers are much better off shedding them. But that is my observation.
What is yours? Pars
Do you WANT government
For example, some people are interested in efficiency. Others is feeding the world. Oin making money. Others in a way of life. Others in owning all the land they can find to buy.
You don't seem to want the government reducing the number of farms, is this accurate?
If so, what role do you WANT to see gov't playing, in your operation? Any?
Are farmers better off WITH legislation or without it, according to what you would like?
Everybody jump in.
I ask, because I do not see coherent, nor consistent, nor relevent, nor well thought out policy coming forth from government.
They've practiced for years, but I have concluded, that farmers are much better off shedding them. But that is my observation.
What is yours? Pars
Do you WANT government