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Grading of all Wheat the Great Canadian SCAM!!!

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    Grading of all Wheat the Great Canadian SCAM!!!

    Yesterday their was a line up at our local terminal and probably at others. No it wasn't a farmer appreciation day or chemical day etc. It was last day to sign contracts for HRS and Durum with the CWB. Sentiment was total pst right off. Not one in attendance had any thing good to say about the Canadian system. The elevator operators who one has been grading for 30 years said he is totally fed up with the BS. A one in most years is a 3 a three is a feed. Their shipping 50 cars today as 2 will see. The CGC is problem and so is the CWB. Farmers were their last minuet because in reality they all don't know what is in their bin. On our farm we have half 3 now and half feed. Hm 15.4 protein red in color few frost and its feed. oh yea 63 lb feed. In ND it is milling wheat and your paid for it. In Canada its feed you get $4.25 from CWB and maybe some later. This year is showing what the hell the CWB really is and CGC is no better.
    So why line ups farmers are not sure what they have, their scared of being fined buy the CWB. (Go for it Assholes).
    Simply what we have is a system that screws us as farmers. Farmers never win with CWB system, they are like the Mafia and use intimidation and hard line jail time if you disobey them.
    Maybe this is the year to spend XMASS in Jail and move grain south. They'll buy it and pay you for it.
    The CWB time is done and so is our BS grading system. Falling numbers decides grain quality not BS we use in Canada.

    Line up and get it graded so that it can go to port, get cleaned, get graded, and then % of cleanings will get added back again to max out allownance.
    Some CGC union grunt wanders by to take a handful. (Do you have any idea what they get paid?)
    The remaining cleanings are pure cash bonus.(But not for you.)


    Nobody gives a rat's ass about you.




      The system was set up to have people WORK. that's it in a nutshell its all about working. And that is the main problem the system created this huge labour pool that gets paid off our backs. The railways wont stop it the cwb wont stop it the CGC wont the port workers wont the govt wont so guess what were screwed. Yet when they pay us some useless govt program we get slammed for handouts. What a fricking system in Canada.


        Gee Parsley, that was very close to swearing "rat's ass" I'm so shocked and dissappointed you are now one of us, there is no hope for humanity now!


          Has anyone close to the States taken a sample of 3 red or feed of reasonable quality south to compare grades and pricing yet?


            Not yet just what it was other years. Was suppose to go next Thursday to Monday but schedule changed. Any farmer going take your feed and three with you and just stop in. Get it graded have a chat. Its fun. You then have a enlightening experience. That you have been lied to for your whole life on the farm.


              Guess what you are stuck with this crap until western Canada separates. The CWB is good for eastern Canada since it keeps you from being competitive in their markets so it stays until we separate. It is the only solution for the CWB.


                I bet you could take grain in that has won grain competitions at local fairs/ag days in the past and they would find something wrong with it this year.


                  Would be very interesting to see what percentage of each grade of HRSW that actually gets shipped out at the porstd. My guess a huge majority will be #1 and some #2. Funny how this has happened before - 2004?


                    I actually thought about it. LOL

                    The word "rat" was justifiably descriptive and fully applicable in this case.


                    Check out the unions who lobby.


                    And they don't lobby for higher grain prices for you.

                    The number of employees at the CGC?

                    Employees incapable of answering a question?

                    Don't get me started.

                    Fire them all.Better yet, leave them. They won't notice for years. Neither will every level of goverment.



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