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Ritz says CWB didnt do Inital paper work right to justify a increase!!!

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    Ritz says CWB didnt do Inital paper work right to justify a increase!!!

    Hm does that mean they should have increased the price more or is this the feds way of really pssing on western canadian farmers to finally say enough is enough and get rid of the dam CWB.
    Just wondering what others are thinking.
    Im sick of the games. Let the ones that want out if thats the simple way but if your in your in and if your out your out.
    But having $1.77 initial is a f$#king joke.

    Prairie farmers may have to wait longer than expected to receive an increase on their 2010-11 Canadian Wheat Board initial payments, according to Kelvin Heppner writing for steinbachonline.com.
    With the significant rise in markets this fall, the CWB had applied for a $50 to $70/t increase to the initials for base grades of wheat and barley. The Board expected the increases would be approved and in farmers' pockets by mid- to late-Nov.
    However, when questioned about the delay in the House of Commons yesterday, Federal Ag Minister Gerry Ritz said the first application for an increase to the initial prices was improperly submitted, reports Heppner. Ritz said a good portion of the blame for the delay goes back to the CWB.


      Just curious why you don't do a fixed price contract and get paid in full 2 weeks
      after delivery. The CWB and Ritz can do whatever they want when you have the
      money in the bank.

      The biggest factor forcing change at the CWB will be a 7 to 8 million tonnes of
      pricing outside the overall pooling system. You have to January 31 this year.


        On a smaller note why didn't the cwb extend advance repayments like canola growers did, is this a political game also by the feds to say see the canola growers did it but not cwb. However the extension to jan 31 is helpful but not going to cut it for many either there is no crop and very little crop insurance so very little money gonna come after advance is paid.


          When talking to Oberg the other day he made no mention that the paperwork was done wrong.

          He must really be out of the loop in Winnipeg.

          Farmer run, farmer controlled but the farmers running it know nothing.

          I just Ritz would put this thing out of its misery.

          And the 1-800 pee-ons told me the cwb had rescinded one of their requests for an increase instead its incompetence. Surprise surprise!!!


            Charley once our grades get straited out and we get to $7 for #3 it will be done. Russia has seeded way less winter wheat. Australia is now having rain like we did. South well that's another game. But why initials were so low and every one this year is using FP hm will the CWB play games or Ottawa. Its getting tired tired tired.


              Ritz is a ****ing buffoon.


                Ritz doesn't ask for the price increase - he just approves it by the stupid rules Ralphie made. And Ritz can't change the rules because Ralphie and Jackie won't let him.

                The cwb is falling into a bad trap the conservatives have laid out. They will be gone sooner now, due to the own incompetence than I had originally thought. Lets think about this. The cwb could not figure out its 1AD was getting sold off board because the cwb returns looked shitty. Now the cwb is blaming the government for not increasing the initial price, when it was the cwb not doing their job. Meanwhile more durum is going off board and they can't fill a boat. More costs to the farmer.

                Canola seed is sold out, every other crop for next spring has a better return than what the cwb is offering.

                When an organization is stuck in the past while others are looking forward its not hard to figure out who will be left behind.



                  I might agree with you on your opinion of Ritz, but really what kind of minister do you need for the cwb file when you look at who is running the cwb.

                  No sense in sending in a rocket scientist when a buffoon will do.


                    cchurch I agree, Just look at the CWB file!! The guy talks out of both sides of his mouth. Please bring back the Reform Party!


                      The CWB first asked for the interim payments on Sept 7th. (Note, in the Aug 30th CWB Bulletin they advised they were asking).

                      They then pulled the request back and resubmitted on Sept 30th. We can only speculate as to why.

                      They could have let the first request go through and provided some early relief for farmers. They often request for multiple adjustments in any given year. But they didn’t. They pulled it back.

                      I'm told it typically takes 8 weeks to go through the Min of Ag, Minister of Finance and the Treasury Board - the CWB would know this.

                      It's currently week 5.

                      Oberg doesn't seem to know what's going on.
                      Korneychuk has the audacity to say in an interview that was posted online on Oct 30:

                      "The government hasn't done anything for two months on this request, so the wheat board is taking a lot of heat. Farmers think that we're not doing our job, and in actual fact it's the government that hasn't approved the request. We need to communicate what we're doing on behalf of farmers, both good and bad – it's not always going to be good."

                      Read it for yourself:
                      <a href=http://nipawinjournal.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2817311&auth=Melissa%20Mange lsen/Nipawin%20Journal>Korneychuk</a>

                      He says the govt hasn't done anything on this for two months - at the time he did the interview, it hadn't even been two months since the original request!

                      Is he lying or just doesn't know any better?

                      You can say anything you like about Ritz - but on this one it's Oberg and Korneychuk that are stonewalling farmers interests here.


                        They are playing politics to make themselves look good for the ones who get to vote.



                          Will any of this show up in the Western Seducer... or would they be charged with third party vote rigging if they... or anyone else tells the truth?

                          Only in Canada.


                            A timely opportunity for 'duty' by the elected-farmer choice directors to "explain" to their voting constituents, what the delay in payments are attributed to.

                            Wouldn't an accountability press conference be appropriate and welcomed by all?

                            After all, the B of D must have passed the motion to re-submit. Pars


                              I am hoping that the initials don't increase for 5 or 6 months. As soon as #1cwrs13.5 goes up by $40/t and 3 and feed dont go up at all then the fixed price for 3 and feed immediately drops by $40/t.

                              Being as most guys have 3 or feed, it is in the interests of the majority to not have a change in initials till we can move a bunch of grain.

                              Those needing faster payment can take advantage of the EPO or fixed price contracts.


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