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Ritz says CWB didnt do Inital paper work right to justify a increase!!!

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    The CWB first asked for the interim payments on Sept 7th. (Note, in the Aug 30th CWB Bulletin they advised they were asking).

    They then pulled the request back and resubmitted on Sept 30th. We can only speculate as to why.

    They could have let the first request go through and provided some early relief for farmers. They often request for multiple adjustments in any given year. But they didn’t. They pulled it back.

    I'm told it typically takes 8 weeks to go through the Min of Ag, Minister of Finance and the Treasury Board - the CWB would know this.

    It's currently week 5.

    Oberg doesn't seem to know what's going on.
    Korneychuk has the audacity to say in an interview that was posted online on Oct 30:

    "The government hasn't done anything for two months on this request, so the wheat board is taking a lot of heat. Farmers think that we're not doing our job, and in actual fact it's the government that hasn't approved the request. We need to communicate what we're doing on behalf of farmers, both good and bad – it's not always going to be good."

    Read it for yourself:
    <a href=http://nipawinjournal.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2817311&auth=Melissa%20Mange lsen/Nipawin%20Journal>Korneychuk</a>

    He says the govt hasn't done anything on this for two months - at the time he did the interview, it hadn't even been two months since the original request!

    Is he lying or just doesn't know any better?

    You can say anything you like about Ritz - but on this one it's Oberg and Korneychuk that are stonewalling farmers interests here.


      They are playing politics to make themselves look good for the ones who get to vote.



        Will any of this show up in the Western Seducer... or would they be charged with third party vote rigging if they... or anyone else tells the truth?

        Only in Canada.


          A timely opportunity for 'duty' by the elected-farmer choice directors to "explain" to their voting constituents, what the delay in payments are attributed to.

          Wouldn't an accountability press conference be appropriate and welcomed by all?

          After all, the B of D must have passed the motion to re-submit. Pars


            I am hoping that the initials don't increase for 5 or 6 months. As soon as #1cwrs13.5 goes up by $40/t and 3 and feed dont go up at all then the fixed price for 3 and feed immediately drops by $40/t.

            Being as most guys have 3 or feed, it is in the interests of the majority to not have a change in initials till we can move a bunch of grain.

            Those needing faster payment can take advantage of the EPO or fixed price contracts.


              "improperly submitted"

              Maybe it was sent in a brown envelope not a white one with proper letter head, or purolator not Canada Post.

              Anybody the real reason? Games!


                you can't increase the initial payment during a CWB election because it could make the CWB look good.


                  Bucket "no sense sending in a rocket scientist when a buffoon will do"
                  that had me laughing for awhile,good one.

                  The Ritz cracker is a Buffoon and this isn't the First time he has drug his feet on sending out the new price increases.

                  Is that the best they can come up with in that constituency for an mp.

                  Ya that was a good line bucket.lol



                    Buy the way... Canada Post owns Purolator!

                    Go buy your pedigreed seed for next spring and get advance delivery opportunity... the lower the initial... the more you can deliver!


                    2010-11 Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed contract
                    What is it?

                    The Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed (DPPS) contract is a delivery provision that helps producers defray the cost of purchasing pedigreed seed for CWB marketed grains.

                    Program information

                    The DPPS delivery contract sign-up deadline is Wednesday, June 15, 2011, with cash ticket settlement by Thursday, June 30, 2011.


                    Complete the DPPS delivery contract form
                    Send in a copy of the sales invoice, which must include:
                    sales date
                    sales price
                    seed certificate number or lot number, if bulk
                    seed grower name
                    buyer name
                    Fax the contract and sales invoice to the CWB at 204-983-8031
                    Within two business days from receipt of your fax, you can view DPPS contracts in e-Services. Incomplete or missing information may delay contract processing
                    Deadline to sign up a DPPS delivery contract is Wednesday, June 15, 2011
                    Delivery and settlement

                    DPPS contracts are 100-per-cent accepted
                    Pedigreed seed purchased before the 2010-11 crop year is not eligible for this program
                    Cash tickets must be settled by Thursday, July 30, 2011
                    Indicate the DPPS contract number on the cash ticket(s)
                    If a cash advance was taken on any of the tonnes being signed up, the required advance deduction must be taken
                    Deliveries made under this contract are not eligible for new-pool pricing
                    The CWB reserves the right to withdraw this program without prior notice.



                      The joke is on the cwb. If they had better people, Ritz wouldn't be handling the file.

                      But it is funny. Something in common - humour.


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