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Ritz says CWB didnt do Inital paper work right to justify a increase!!!

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    Goodale had a majority when he changed the CWB Act. Goodale STILL has the majority today (with the Bloc and NDP) so Ex Minister Ralph Goodale runs the CWB from the opposition side of the House of Commons...

    I agree Bucket the BLOC Coalition should be forced to implement the CWB Act on every single kernel of corn and soybeans in Canada... then watch the fur fly.

    THis is court enforced discrimination. It brings the whole Canadian court system into disrepute... but the Bloc Coalition with Goodale at the helm... designed it that way... and is happy that the western farmer slaves be kept in their places.

    This is a tax. It is a burden placed upon us in the west. It is our challenge to make lemons into lemonade... getting the rest of Canada's grain growers to help... would sweeten the juice!!!


      And were blessed with Ralphy as my representative. Have worked so hard to get in replaced but Wascana likes him. Its East Regina not rural.


        But at what point do you throw the issue into Ritz's lap. Blaming Goodale from now until eternity may very well be desered but at some point Ritz has to figure out how to get something accomplished. Always focusing back on Goodale gives Ritz an easy out. Believe it or not the Conservatives won't be in "power" forever. The clock is ticking and the way things are going now we're one tick closer to them not getting a majority. This things game to play out and you'll be left with nothing. And to be fair to Ritz he's just a part of a bigger direction and probably someone else's priorities. CWB simply isn't near the top of the agenda for the government, pure and simple, and being apologists for the current government doesn't help. It's probably safe to say that AV'ers are the conservative base. They have pushed hard on some issues - gun registry being one - but the effort simply doesn't appear to be there on the CWB file other than shrugging of the shoulders and calling Ralphie a bunch of well deserved names.

        ..... and here we sit, not a lot further ahead in terms of moving towards market choice. So tick tock tick tock, what's going to happen in the likely scenario that there's another minority gov't next time around with probably a 50/50 chance the Conservatives are on that outside looking in. Then watch Ralphie really tighten down the screws.

        I don't think anyone can even imagine putting all of the time, effort and energy that Tom has put into the issue. His passion is clear, but don't allow those who can affect the political change to look back and simply blame others for the lack of progress, and allow that to excuse themselves.



          Thanks! One thing this does prove is passion does not trump politics! And the courts are as political as the politicians.

          Grain Growers need to step forward... and catch the imagination of those who do vote in CWB elections... that by building a CWB that is actually commercial and responsible for the decisions they take... will best serve the long term interests of the CWB Corporation. Anything less will be crying over spilt milk... which we are sick and tired of hearing!

          Livestock growers and Supply management will fight against us every step of the way... behind closed doors and behind our backs. The CWB is a security blanket they understand and secretly cherish... no matter what they say in Public!!! Millers and most maltsters are not far behind. They know how the system works... and work the system to benefit their CWB assured/grain grower backed... bottom line. I remember Cargill mangment saying 15 years ago... it was not possible for this CWB system/with the margins it provides to continue.

          November 2010... the same folks... and the same system... still provides the trade massive CWB margins paid for by grain growers of the CWB 'designated area'!!!


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