Eat more pasta it is good for you! Go out and buy some pasta and try to eat it more
often. When you go out for dinner order pasta. Just say "pass the pasta"!
Pasta provides a good portion of your daily requirements for iron, magnesium,
phosphorous, niacin and folate, and is very low in fat. When you choose to eat more
pasta, you will be helping the farmers that grow durum to produce the pasta. When you
get this email read it and forward it on to as many people as you can. You
can even print off a few copies and give it to people you know that do not have email. I
have some statistics about pasta and durum below, please feel free to
read this information. Once you have read this email and forwarded it on please go to the
bottom of this paragraph and click on my web site; I have a counter
there. I am trying to get a rough idea on how many people are receiving this email.
My web site
I am a farmer and we grow Durum on our farm in South Western Saskatchewan, Canada.
Over the last few years the cost for growing Durum has increased
substantially, while the amount we get paid per bushel has only slightly increased. This
translates into the cost of growing it being almost the same as we get paid
for selling it. Pasta is made from Durum wheat that is milled into semolina flour. A bushel
of durum wheat (60 pounds) makes enough semolina to produce 42
pounds of pasta, approximately 210 servings. A farmer that grows durum gets around
$5.64 per bushel for their Durum. After it is processed into pasta it is worth
about $42 per bushel. A pound of pasta costs about $1 to buy. One bushel of durum can
make about 42 pounds of pasta. If you would eat 1 serving of pasta 3
times a week it would take 70 weeks to eat all the pasta made from 1 bushel of durum.
There is approximately 1,356,000,000 bushels of durum in the world at this time. Not all
of the Durum will be of good enough quality to produce pasta. If 75% of
the Durum can be used, that would produce 42,714,000,000 pounds of pasta. The world
population is approximately 6,195,000,000. If only 60% of the world
population eats pasta and if all those people ate 11 pounds of pasta every six months, that
would use up the world supply of Durum. This would keep the
demand up with the supply. When the demand goes up, the price goes up for the farmers.
At the present time it is estimated that the price for #1 durum 12.5%
protein will be $6.94 per bushel. Of that amount the South Western Saskatchewan
farmer only receives $5.64 per bushel because we the farmers have to pay to
ship a product that we produce. The transportation and handling costs are as follows: 92
cents rail freight, 10 cents cleaning, 27 cents handling, and 1 cent
inspection and handling. These prices are not affected by the price of Durum. The price
of pasta would only have to increase 12 cents a pound for the farmer to
receive $5 more per bushel. This would help the farmers to meet their costs and be able to
earn a living without having to subsidize their farming business with
other work off the farm, leaving more jobs for other citizens that do not farm.
Thank you
Jason Gizen
Here is a web site with some statistics about pasta.
You can go to this web site to get nutritional information about pasta.
The population statistics were taken from this web site, you can go here to see the
population counter that is updated daily.
often. When you go out for dinner order pasta. Just say "pass the pasta"!
Pasta provides a good portion of your daily requirements for iron, magnesium,
phosphorous, niacin and folate, and is very low in fat. When you choose to eat more
pasta, you will be helping the farmers that grow durum to produce the pasta. When you
get this email read it and forward it on to as many people as you can. You
can even print off a few copies and give it to people you know that do not have email. I
have some statistics about pasta and durum below, please feel free to
read this information. Once you have read this email and forwarded it on please go to the
bottom of this paragraph and click on my web site; I have a counter
there. I am trying to get a rough idea on how many people are receiving this email.
My web site
I am a farmer and we grow Durum on our farm in South Western Saskatchewan, Canada.
Over the last few years the cost for growing Durum has increased
substantially, while the amount we get paid per bushel has only slightly increased. This
translates into the cost of growing it being almost the same as we get paid
for selling it. Pasta is made from Durum wheat that is milled into semolina flour. A bushel
of durum wheat (60 pounds) makes enough semolina to produce 42
pounds of pasta, approximately 210 servings. A farmer that grows durum gets around
$5.64 per bushel for their Durum. After it is processed into pasta it is worth
about $42 per bushel. A pound of pasta costs about $1 to buy. One bushel of durum can
make about 42 pounds of pasta. If you would eat 1 serving of pasta 3
times a week it would take 70 weeks to eat all the pasta made from 1 bushel of durum.
There is approximately 1,356,000,000 bushels of durum in the world at this time. Not all
of the Durum will be of good enough quality to produce pasta. If 75% of
the Durum can be used, that would produce 42,714,000,000 pounds of pasta. The world
population is approximately 6,195,000,000. If only 60% of the world
population eats pasta and if all those people ate 11 pounds of pasta every six months, that
would use up the world supply of Durum. This would keep the
demand up with the supply. When the demand goes up, the price goes up for the farmers.
At the present time it is estimated that the price for #1 durum 12.5%
protein will be $6.94 per bushel. Of that amount the South Western Saskatchewan
farmer only receives $5.64 per bushel because we the farmers have to pay to
ship a product that we produce. The transportation and handling costs are as follows: 92
cents rail freight, 10 cents cleaning, 27 cents handling, and 1 cent
inspection and handling. These prices are not affected by the price of Durum. The price
of pasta would only have to increase 12 cents a pound for the farmer to
receive $5 more per bushel. This would help the farmers to meet their costs and be able to
earn a living without having to subsidize their farming business with
other work off the farm, leaving more jobs for other citizens that do not farm.
Thank you
Jason Gizen
Here is a web site with some statistics about pasta.
You can go to this web site to get nutritional information about pasta.
The population statistics were taken from this web site, you can go here to see the
population counter that is updated daily.