If any CWB director, government official... or WTO investigator wants to open their eyes for a millisecond... they COULD clearly see the CWB is distorting the whole grain complex in western Canada.
For the CWB claim that they are 'commercial' and don't distort markets... the CWB has a fabulous track record of doing the exact opposite!
Like all the high grade durum... that just went into the domestic feed market... and the theft of malt and feed barley year after year... the endless parade of deceptions that Goodale protects are VERY annoying... to say the least!
If any CWB director, government official... or WTO investigator wants to open their eyes for a millisecond... they COULD clearly see the CWB is distorting the whole grain complex in western Canada.
For the CWB claim that they are 'commercial' and don't distort markets... the CWB has a fabulous track record of doing the exact opposite!
Like all the high grade durum... that just went into the domestic feed market... and the theft of malt and feed barley year after year... the endless parade of deceptions that Goodale protects are VERY annoying... to say the least!