Mastercard and Visa also charge you big time to exchange from one currency to another. Its just as bad as your local bank or Credit Union on small amounts.
The whole point is that just about everybody pays about 2.5% above the exchange rate to get another countries coin of the realm. You can even get caught cashing a US cheque to get Canadian money; and once again paying to get some US dollars. From my experience; thats the real world for the average consumer. Don't worry; I know that the few smart people have had ways around these rip offs for years. Still its true that the ordinary consumer has a maxed out set of credit cards and not $20,000 to $50,000 of spare cash.
You'd see my points if you could grasp the plight of cash strapped and debt burdened persons that outnumber the financially savy persons.
As far as not buying US money at this time; why wouldn't you cover any current US purchases by prudently minimizing exchange rate fees. The Canadian government has deliberately knocked the props out from under a near par dollar about 4 times in the last year. It sure wouldn't suprise me if it happens another time or twenty. When the Republicans get more strength in government; the "industry" will try to make it look like their recovery is inevitable.
I agree that the US economy is on the ropes on many fronts; but they are still an elephant; and even sick ones should be treated with respect and watched closely.
The whole point is that just about everybody pays about 2.5% above the exchange rate to get another countries coin of the realm. You can even get caught cashing a US cheque to get Canadian money; and once again paying to get some US dollars. From my experience; thats the real world for the average consumer. Don't worry; I know that the few smart people have had ways around these rip offs for years. Still its true that the ordinary consumer has a maxed out set of credit cards and not $20,000 to $50,000 of spare cash.
You'd see my points if you could grasp the plight of cash strapped and debt burdened persons that outnumber the financially savy persons.
As far as not buying US money at this time; why wouldn't you cover any current US purchases by prudently minimizing exchange rate fees. The Canadian government has deliberately knocked the props out from under a near par dollar about 4 times in the last year. It sure wouldn't suprise me if it happens another time or twenty. When the Republicans get more strength in government; the "industry" will try to make it look like their recovery is inevitable.
I agree that the US economy is on the ropes on many fronts; but they are still an elephant; and even sick ones should be treated with respect and watched closely.