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Property Rights

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    Property Rights


    Hey Pars, not sure where you were going with this,
    but I'm guessing you might be into the occasional
    'organic' bong! Weed is BC's number one Ag export,
    isn't it? Perhaps if it was legalized, Saskfarmer
    could grow 10,000 acres of the stuff, put it into
    round bales and sell it at farmer's markets thereby
    by-passing scum of the earth seed, chemical,
    fertilizer and grain companies, never mind the CWB.
    Be careful though, rumour has it that the smoke
    can make you paranoid - hence all the Ayn Rand
    stuff, I suspect. Keep in mind, Libertarianism is an
    interesting theory, but that all theories are great -
    in theory! Pop one for me - I can't stand the smell!!!


      rocky, you were supposed to read what Danielle would do first thing as premier! You need to stick with reading with your finger. LOL

      lol, I don't smoke!...anything...LOL

      But I might recommend a Kopstoot(say it copschtoot)if you decide to become overcome with wildness:

      Mix a Heineken beer with half proportion of 35% proof gin.

      Yes, Rocky, that should cool your heels. Pars.


        cropduster and silver, you boys been talking to Danielle?


          Hey Pars, I've met Danielle. My only concern is that her
          backpack is not being filled by grassroots supporters,
          but rather by the good old boys on 3rd, 6th and 9th
          Ave. in the granite and sandstone towers and they
          dictate a ROI. So it could be your property rights
          versus their property rights, if you get my gist. Btw,
          your recipe sounds like an awesome breakfast drink,
          don't you think?


            How did you find her? Knowledgeable? Focused?

            Farmers need property rights. Not by default, but by expressing and overseeing what we need. Would you agree, Rocky? Should we work on it a bit?

            You'll need a bracer in the morning after a night that concoction brings. lol Bartender in Netherlands taught me to mix that one. Pars


              Rocky, have we met? Quite a few guys know me as Parsley when I go to a meeting, so I wonderd if you know me or if we've talked?


                Not telling...


                  I think my scraggy old beard would scare the poor young thing. I'm hoping her party is not just another "In Name Only" thing.


                    Hi Pars, first off, she'll talk your ears off. Focused,
                    knowledgable - yes. My only concern is that she'll
                    switch gears and modify her message depending on
                    the leanings of the audience. She's trying to be all
                    things to all people. Lot's of time to form a judgement.
                    I await to see what the whole WRA team is going to
                    look like, something that hasn't happened yet.


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