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So you want to be "Free"?

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    So you want to be "Free"?

    Here is how we do it...lets tell Steven Harper and his Provincial counterpart that we no longer need
    1. An Agriculture Department
    2. Fuel Subsidies
    3. Farm Plates and Registration
    4. Government Crop and Hail Insurance
    5. CAIS (AgStability or AgScrewthe Farmer whatever it is called) (which I'm sure everyone will agree just sucks anyway).
    6. And of course no CWB
    7. No Grain Commission.
    8. No regulations...just us against everyone else, my neighbor is my competitor!

    And each one of us will sink or swim on our own. I actually think this will be very positive, because either we learn to be self reliant and run our "businesses" or we'll not be farming anymore. How many of you who want to be "free" are willing to do without everything the government provides and really be free marketers? If everyone all agrees to do the same I'm there. However if you want to have only certain "benefits" and only play the way that you want. Then you are not a free marketer. Everything has rules and responsibilities. Being a true free marketer means you are completely on your own, no government help of any kind. I'll support that can you?

    Hey, not a bad idea, but you have to garantee me you'll get rid of that suckin CWB and follow the American grading system. If you can absolutely promise this to be the new "rule", lets go for it!


      See now you want rules...the grading system would be what you and your buyer decide. Because now there is no Grain Commission to set grades anymore...it is whatever you and the "person" buying your grade determine. Whoever is stronger wins...but yes the CWB is gone, because it is a government agency and we all agree that the government should go completely!


        1. An Agriculture Department

        Sounds fine by me

        2. Fuel Subsidies

        Big deal. Fuel is my lowest cost by far, and will remain as such if this was removed.

        3. Farm Plates and Registration

        Big deal, another nickel here, another nickel there.

        4. Government Crop and Hail Insurance

        I've been hoping for this for years. A tangible, private crop insurance, that actually covers yer butt.

        5. CAIS (AgStability or AgScrewthe Farmer whatever it is called) (which I'm sure everyone will agree just sucks anyway).

        Please, please take this one and shove it!!!
        6. And of course no CWB

        The best thing that could ever occur in my lifetime, bar none...

        7. No Grain Commission.

        Excellent. In all my years, I've never used 'em. For every company that trys to screw me by questioning what I produce, I've got two or three who need my product. At MY specs.

        8. No regulations...just us against everyone else, my neighbor is my competitor!

        Without regulations, why do we have to be against eachother any more than we already are? This makes no sense to me.

        Anything else we can be rid of. How about that "free" health care? Welfare? Communists?


          Prairie, you forgot number 9 the dairy and poultry quota


            The following three are the only ones presently used here:

            2. Fuel Subsidies DELETE
            3. Farm Plates and Registration DELETE
            5. CAIS DELETE

            I don't agree with your #8
            8. No regulations

            I believe the government has a food safety issue responsibility with regards to health. It is the government's responsibility to prosecute poisous imports/or poisonous food produced. Sometimes it involves farmers/ag/industry etc..

            btw, Eliminating ag departments should correspondingly lower taxation. Pars


              I would take my chances with a "free
              market" grading system. With this
              instrument we are using here and now, I
              think we could keep our local buyers
              honest...if not...we could bypass them by
              using a Craigslist type mechanism.
              Transparency is the most important
              mechanism not regulation.



                I am puzzled by your logic:

                Canola enjoys the 'productive' administrative benefits of the Canadian grain system... as do pulses, mustard, soybeans, corn, rye, oats, triticale,

                All the grains are 'free' of the CWB... except wheat and barley.


                We must destroy all the benificial administrative functions both provincial and federal governments provide... to loose our selves of our CWB Masters in Winterpeg?

                What is the logic behind this?

                Are you trying to tell us that the CWB ALONE is responsible for any beneficial gov. programs.... and it is 'all or nothing'?


                  NEWSFLASH to prairesodbuster--your neighbours are your competition without a doubt.


                    Man are there ever some Comedian farmers on this site. Most appear to be legends in their own minds. They grow products that grain companies are actually fighting over. What a crock of bull.........


                      You forgot supply management.


                        And While we're at lets get rid of Bank regulations. Lets get some of those deregulated type Banks that are south of the Border. lol


                          Which is the least "free" market. As far from free enterprise as one can get. Even CWB control pales by comparison.


                            You mean mattresses are now subject to legislation? Pars


                              You also forgot about tax's.

                              I'm for the Walter Williams solution on tax's. Which is limiting federal spending to a fixed 10 percent of the gross domestic product.

                              "Why 10 percent?" According to Williams, if 10 percent is good enough for the Baptist Church, it certainly ought to be good enough for the feds.


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