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So you want to be "Free"?

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    Bring it on prairie boy.
    But in your world lets really make it even.
    No old age pension, no unemployment insurance etc.
    Toll highways etc.
    Get them out of fuel, power, water etc.



      I am STILL waiting for your reply:

      "So you want to be "Free"?"

      "What is the logic behind this?

      Are you trying to tell us that the CWB ALONE is responsible for any beneficial gov. programs.... and it is 'all or nothing'?"

      Did Ex Minister Goodale put you up to this???


        PSB, I am good with your list except 8. Even a free Market needs to have rules.

        You need some rules in place to make sure fair trade is happening, make sure people are not screwing with each other.

        You are always going to have to deal with international trade regulations.


          I'm guessing that what he's saying is that their Are beneficial gov't programs but looking at the contributors on this site you would think the gov't Should be out of every thing.
          Kind of like the 'tea party' south of us that wants the gov't out of everything Except "oh don't touch that program that affects me "

          The Only truly independent farmers were our forefathers who were here before all the infrastructure and programs were set up. Before the power and telephone,medical care,school system, roads ,grading systems ,grain handling,crop insurance,pfra.etc etc.

          They got All of these thing GOING and we sit back and take them for granted and try to dismantle them and them have the audacity to Proclaim that we are independent free marketers in control of own destiny


            You are correct Mustardman, NO rules is law of the jungle, anarchy, not using human intelligence that resulted in the complex civilization we have today (refuse to say evolution). I like the Star Trek ideal.


              Remember It was our grandpas who were screwed by the grain companies. Hence the invention of co-ops and ultimately the CWB, to stop the shafting of Comedian farmers.


                Why don't we ask the Aussie and Kiwi farmers how they are doing? They already went this route and seem to be just fine. New Zealand is the largest exporter of dairy products in the world. How's Canada doing in that market? The Aussies are just as competitive as anyone else. After the initial adjustment, things will be just fine.


                  Some one remind me why the cwb was set up? Was it not implemented as part of the war measures act?


                    That's right furrowtickler, even says so right on the CWB's website.

                    It wasn't grandpa who sold your property rights down the river. Thats just an NFU bed time story.


                      Good question Furrow:
                      -Canadian Wheat Board Act passed by parliament on JULY 5, 1935.
                      -Defense of Canada Regulations (WW II enactment of War Measures Act) passed by parliament on SEPT 3, 1939



                        Ooops is right dmlfarmer. Single desk implemented SEPT 1943 in order to stop rising price of wheat. All made possible by the war measures act.


                          Read Furrow's post again Highwayman. He wondered "why the cwb was set up", NOT when it became a single desk. I simply pointed out the CWB was in existance more than 4 years before Canada joined the war, and the war measures act was enacted. So no oops here. But I too am interested in getting more information about why the CWB was created by the government in 1935.


                            Simply put the CWB was set up as the governments political solution to the marketing blunders of the 3 prarie wheat pool and the CSA(central selling agency)Holding unhedged grain in a declining market. CWB task was to dispose of the inventories that had been transferred to the newly formed crown agency. Along came WW2, price freezes and voila, the single desk monoploy to keep a lid on grain prices.


                              How big were the inventories (bu or tonnes) that you say were transferred to CWB? Who were these inventories transferred from? Who got the money from these inventories when the CWB sold them? How long did it take for the CWB to sell the inventories (1 year, or more than one year)?


                                This won't give you all of the details but its a reasonable account.



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