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Potash Again

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    Potash Again

    Yadda,yadda,yadda,i know i said he did it because it
    was no risk politicaly,but something isnt right,he
    could have safely endorsed it to,and not risked the
    large global shit storm.

    Does anyone here own global equities?Or mutual
    funds that are probably invested else where?

    Whats the difference who owns it?A couple of shit
    wigs in saskatoon lose their jobs and now we are
    saying to the rest of the world stay away,rules are
    different here, we can do what we want but you can
    stuff it?

    And what about the size of pot corp and if it would
    want to buy out someone?

    And they say no you cant cause weees special?

    Again whats the difference who owns it?

    Why on Gods Green Earth do we want outside investors investing in our once great Nation? The government should be taking all the profit from the sale of potash and use that money to take the role of us paying some taxes. Y'all are to smart for that tough....


      BTO don't you think all the potash would still be in the ground then and absolutely no taxes paid to date?
      BTO do you buy stocks at all, look at the resourse mining companies traded on the TSX. A lot of them have operations in other countries, in fact not sure you can find one that does not. People from other countries invest on our stock market. We invest in othe stock markets. Many Canadians own BHP shares. You probably have BHP shares owned in your CPP, or your mutual funds. I believe there would be a tax windfall for the gov't in the year that if BHP would have bought POT that no one is talking about that would dwarf the early tax deductions of the new mine that the GOV't claims would cost them money. Investors if selling a stock generally have a capital gain to pay in that year.


        Don't fuss lads, BHP owns a good size parcel of land near Jansen and will start their own plant in time. They just tried an easier rout is all, they had land bought long before this bid was even brought up. It was a long shot but they tried.


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