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High Fusarium

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    High Fusarium

    The High Fus program is back with 4X dockage over grade Fus level. Elevators scrambling to fill cars. Blending nightmare , ergot quality Sask, Fus in Mb. We are paying the price for efficiency for the railways, those 100 car trains are harder to blend at terminals, so must be blended by local elevators. That means a tremendous amount of long haul trucking.

    Bumping a feed wheat into a milling class.

    Isn't that what huyde was doing with his own grain?

    Meanwhile farmers that have grown 1cwrs for years are told to take the feed grade they are given and the shitty price.

    Wonder where they get the grain to blend off the fusarium when most of the west had 3 or lower grades?


      Blending Sask 3 or feed with Slight frost or ergot problems into 2 and 3 with low fus (less than 3%). Parts of Sask have high Fus because they grew less resistant varieties. The problem will grow next year as the infected areas will spread in Sask. La nina intensifies causing heavy snow in Prairies this winter. Big problems next spring.



        Do you like the program?

        I find it an insult to producers that grow high quality grain year in and out and blend this shit off to the benefit of those with the shit grain.


          The program is set up to encourage producers to grow more fusarium tolerant varieties. Areas in Sask and Alta previously not affected had some of the highest fus levels. This is going to be everyone's problem, the U.S. included.


            The program is set up to encourage producers to grow more fusarium tolerant varieties. Areas in Sask and Alta previously not affected had some of the highest fus levels. This is going to be everyone's problem, the U.S. included.


              Is fusarium not like sclerotinia, in that you will need perfect weather conditions next year for it to be a problem? I live in a normally dry area and this year had fusarium and sclerotinia, but if next year is normal (dry), then I will not have any sclerotinia issues. Am I wrong to think that Fusarium will be a non issue if it is a dryer spring and summer?



                Actually the fusarium program encourages growing it because the cwb promotes it.

                If they wanted to discourage fusarium wheat, they would not put a premium on it.

                Think, that is what your brain is for.


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