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    Let's face it, most Comedians are loyalists. They love their Queen, Prince and Princesses. Most Comedians are ready, willing and able to give there all, land, home and family to the Crown at any given moment in history. We love the Queen, hence cud care less about our own well being. Load it on English royalty we love it and are up to the challenges............


      Does no one else find it ironic that the same people who been defending the trampling property rights under the CWB act are criticising the Alberta Tories for doing EXACTLY the same thing.

      It looks very much like a case of their property rights are sacred, but yours don’t matter.

      Property rights should be defended, no matter who is trying to take them away.


        I had the feeling that some folks wanted the Government to step in and protect us from the big and greedy corporations.

        Who would have ever thought that maybe we had to watch out for big greedy governments - and their agencies?


          Silverback - it didn't occur to you that it might still be the big greedy corporations driving this? Have I had my 5 seconds of fame and this is now going to descend into a p#^#^$ match about the CWB. How predictable - at least Parsley seems to grasp the significance of the problem. Still waiting to hear TOM4CWB's response.


            I'm gonna get a lassoo and tie silver and grassy together overnite and let them tussle away like a pair of old stupid bulls usually do, and by tiommorow morning they'll both be fighting for property rights for their farms.

            In the meantime, I'm tuned into UFC



              GF - one issue I have is that my
              property taxes support my county and
              that is currently the only government
              that is really listening to and doing
              something for me. I know that they are
              really struggling to be heard at the
              provincial level as well, and 19 through
              50 walk all over their
              rights/responsibilities and
              jurisdictions as well.
              I am 100% certain that I am not voting
              for my PC MLA in the next election, but
              apparently letters, tv interviews,
              formal complaints, and/or trying to
              bridge a middle ground don't work.


                Valid point Sean - I don't hate my county either. It's an idea though - what else can we do?


                  Figure out how to have the current Highwood MLA resign forcing a by-election in Danielle's new riding in 6 months or less and more than likely forcing an Alberta election.


                    How confident are you that an election would bring a change? Most of these rural seats have @60% of the votes cast for the PCs. Typically the PC candidate gets around twice what all their opponents combined get. In a first past the post system a swing of the magnitude needed would be just about unheard of would it not? It will take more than a few disgruntled landowners to swing it for sure.


                      What other choice do we have? HT


                        It will take a more than a few disgruntled landowners to have a revolution as well. I know of many long time active PC's that are working hard to change the political landscape.


                          With some courage and fighting spirit on your side you can achieve great things - it's too bad modern Canadians don't believe or can't envisage the impact they could have.
                          The difference for us Europeans is we have grown up seeing democracy working, people power working... I well remember listening to the radio as Lech Walesa took on the might of the Soviet block when he was in the Gdansk Shipyard as a Union leader. I remember the growing movement of people risking their lives that eventually led to the Berlin wall crumbling. I remember Mrs Thatcher dispatching the British forces to the Falkland Islands to repel the invading Argentinians with almost no support in the worldwide political community. A huge logistical feat given the extreme distance and statistically small armed forces we had compared to Argentine.

                          With a "can do" attitude and right on your side there is nothing you can't achieve. It would not be difficult to put enough pressure on this PC Government to cause them to reverse this legislation - all it takes is enough media attention on what are un-defendable laws, once the defections to the Wild Rose increase the Government would crumble.
                          This is winnable - can Albertan's be bothered though?


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