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Another reason to have Bills 19, 36 and 50 overturned.

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    Another reason to have Bills 19, 36 and 50 overturned.

    One of the changes made under Bill 50 will see the building of additional powerlines, paid for by the citizens of Alberta but benefiting only power line builders and electricity exporters. The price tag is $16 billion - we only spend $12 on Healthcare in this province last year!! The $16 billion will be paid for by Alberta electricity users - farmers will see their power bills at least double, small businesses increase 3 or 4 fold and big business much larger increases. The big industrial users of power have already announced many of them will not be able to pay power bills 10 or more times their existing size - they will leave the province and take the jobs with them.
    This is insanity - we have got to stop it. We had better start telling urban consumers that their power bills will double as well because we need a mass uprising against this outfit PDQ.

    There are further meetings with Keith Wilson/Joe Anglin scheduled for Camrose Nov 22 (afternoon at a surface rights meeting) and Nov 25 Medicine Hat Lodge at 7pm. Please make the effort to attend if you can.
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