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    Has anyone actually wasted their time(like I just did for 20 minutes)reading this fear based propaganda bullshit (www.cwbafacts.ca)?? Where do these people get these so called facts?? Did you all know the CWB holds no secrets from us farmers and all their activities are clearly outlined in their annual reports? The only thing missing on the site is a free mail in coupon for a copy of "The Emperors New Clothes"

    stick your head in the sand


      Funny...not one person willing to let their name stand on that website.

      just an anonymous email for a contact.

      courage of your convictions and all that


        Like for some book burning.


          This self canceling argument gave me a good laugh...

          "the Canadian Wheat Board, with a couple of notable exceptions, has never gone cap in hand to government for funds."

          We never, never, never, never go cap in hand to the feds. Okay there was this one time... well maybe it was more than one...a few times, but other than that NEVER. LOL!


            On this page here


            they try to get you to believe that you can get a buy back for just $3/tonne above the initial price.


              Then there's this old chestnut...


              "Independent auditors confirm that better than 95% of the money the CWB takes in for grain sales around the world goes to the farmers who produced it."

              Hmm... is there a source listed for this? No there isn't. Can we see for ourselves how these "independent" auditors came to this conclusion? No we can't. But they said that the wheat board is completely open and tells us everything. Oh yeah, never mind.


                And you've gotta love how they misquote Brad Wall at the bottom of this page


                <blockquote><b>Losing the single desk in potash would make Saskatchewan "transition from being price leaders to price takers."-Saskatchewan Premier Brad</b> Wall</blockquote>

                If you want to read the speech they pulled the quote from its here...


                Not once does he refer to canpotex as a single desk, he doesn't even hint at it, which makes sense because ITS NOT A SINGLE DESK.


                  So 5% is the cost to market the grain. 5% margin is unbelievably high margin in grain markets, considering elevation is done by the elevator and is a seperate charge. And they are doing this at cost? Wow.


                    Oh, and isn't this cute.


                    <blockquote>Copyright notice: the Canadian Wheat Board Alliance or the other lawful copyright holders own all images and material on this web site. No material may be reproduced or transmitted in any way for commercial purposes without the express written consent of the CWBA.</blockquote>

                    Sounds pretty tough, sounds pretty intimidating, sounds like ol Fran might be in trouble for pulling quotes off their website without " written consent".

                    Actually what it sounds like is someone who is unfamiliar with Canada's copyright laws. Particularly what is known as Fair Dealings.

                    Sounds kind of like the Wheat Board itself, all bark and no bite.


                      Found this on another thread from our old friend John De Pape ...

                      jdepape posted Nov 19, 2010 11:05
                      I went to the website www.cwbafacts.ca and was unimpressed. Same old rhetoric, same old misrepresentations, same old skewed conclusions based on inaccurate understanding of the market place.

                      I have sent an email to them to invite them to discuss their facts (I'm not concerned about their conclusions - but they should at the least get their facts right.) We'll see if they respond.

                      Example of factual inaccuracies:
                      "“basis” includes transportation and the other costs of moving a commodity from production to the international price location."

                      Sorry, but that's wrong.

                      Here's another:
                      "One of the largest malting plants in the world is located at Alix, Alberta."

                      At 39,000 tonnes (storage capacity), Rahr actually comes in fourth in Canada - after Canada Malt in Calgary (89,330), Prairie Malt in Biggar (107,380), Canada Malt in Thunder Bay (80,900). In the US there are many plants bigger than Rahr in Alix. Even more around the world.

                      There are many, many more examples like this. It's too bad that someone went to so much effort only to get so much wrong.


                        The people who put up that farse website, are the ones running for directors in the up coming cwb elections. If you look at the bottom of the website, its done by IWManager....the same as for a few web sites some of the candidates have used for their website. So I'm guessing it's someone like Kyle Kornny yuk yuk.


                          I wonder if Kyle or this group is paying for his website.

                          Bill Gehl of the NFU is this years head of the CWB Alliance.


                            For what its worth, I sent an email to www.cwbafacts.ca.

                            They have not yet responded.

                            Funny - I don't even know who they are. For all I know it may not even be someone connected to farming - it could be a grain company or a government bureaucrat.

                            Huh. Go figure.

                            And I've read more of the website. They have some interesting ideas but there is so much that is factually wrong I really have little confidence in any of it. Pity.


                              If you're really interested call Bob Roehle. His fingerprints are all over this. Not that he has any skin in the game or anything. Other than maybe his CWB pension or future Liberal appointments (Good luck with that Bob!)



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