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Clipboard Grain Company Goes Bellyup

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    "Regardless of what people say, land will always be sold to the highest bidder."


    I've known many many farmers, emotionally attached to their land, who DID NOT sell to the highest offer. Or even offer it on the market!

    Usually it was personal likes and dislikes. Pars


      I'll offer this to you charliep:

      Countless Saskatchewan farmers would NOT have sold their land to the Saskatchewan Landbank for ANY amount of money.

      Period. Pars


        Just reporting what I heard. Don't shoot the messenger.


          I was disagreeing with the report you shared with us, not knocking you charliep. And btw, thanks for sharing.

          I've often observed farmers not selling to young "Joe" because Joe's family did a dirty deed four generations before!LOL Pars


            Parsley. Not sure what world you live in. Vast majority will sell to highest bidder or to hutterites because they don't want their neighbors getting ahead.
            As for your comment about my focus is financial. What else would it be? Farming is a business. I don't work 20hrs a day for fun.


              In my opinion the board hurts the smaller guys and the guys just starting out more so than bigger or more established outfits. If you're bigger or been around longer you've probably got more of a cushion or more options to help you weather the board BS. It may be a different story if you're talking in absolute dollars terms but if we're talking about basic survival its the little guys and the newbies who've got the most at stake.


                1. Not sure what !neighborhood! you live in: "don't want their neighbors getting ahead."

                Where I live, I moreso see neighbors wanting their neighbors to do well.

                2. " focus is financial" as opposed to focus on equality is a compliment to you, vvalk. That's how I look on it.

                Free enterprise goal is not equality of all people. It is equality of opportunity. Pars


                  Several neighbors approached by a BTO were very offended by the offer to buy or rent. Agree likes and old jealousy played a part.
                  We experienced that in the 70's and when a 2000 ac farm was HUGE, soon few would sell or rent to us.
                  Those that would sell demanded way above market. Even relatives acted the same.
                  The son was a high bidder, but perhaps an old issue meant he was refused. Therefore larger operations and investment groups ARE bidding the young guys up. Equal opportunity but NOT equal ability to finance. This will contribute to killing desire to farm by next gen. No easy answer. What is the Quebec idea of farm transfer?


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