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Cropping Plans...

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    Cropping Plans...

    What are your rotations looking like for next year?

    We'll be 1/3 canola, 1/3 wheat (3/4 CWSWS, 1/4
    Warburton HRS), 1/6 flax, 1/6 peas, and 20ac of

    100% to wet acres.


      Will have the Trackhoe working for a second week and most v ditched so looks like we should be able to plant an early spring will help, oh by the way it is not just my water. Could ditch more but a couple neighbours sold out and cannot get permission to cross land untill possibly end of month with another ditch. I am leaning to all CWSWS wheat 20 percent canola, so that would be eliminating yellow peas and decreasing canola a bunch. Never bought canola seed yet and may change.


        Looks like we will have another 2 new neighbours moving in from Alberta. Will find out at end of month. At least they do know we are wet. :-))


          Rice and more rice. Heavy snow continuing where the heavy rain left off.


            Maybe 100% summer fallow. Water table as high as it can be. Rivers and creeks about same as spring time levels. Already lots of hoar frost in middle of month, so middle of May will be raining. El Nino starting and more moisture for spring predicted. Seeding plans up in the air.


              Wheat and canola, on maybe 2/3 of farm not under water. If similar or wetter than this year, will not mud in and NO seeding after June 7th. Hoping praying wishing for early spring, hot dry all summer, ***** frost theory is debunked, cold wet shit forecast will prove as inaccurate as hot dry forecast was in April!


                50% canola
                20% soybeans
                12% cwrs
                2% perrenniel ryegrass

                this is if we can seed all our acres.


                  100% LG Lentils 'cause I love paying $80/acre for seed :-(


                    75% SWS or CPS wheat and 25% Canola.


                      40% Canola
                      15% Pulse Lentil or Peas
                      3.5% Barley
                      3.5% Oats
                      38% CWB split 1/3 Durum 2/3 HRS.
                      Flooded We have almost more snow in stubble than we had at the end of march last year.
                      Chance of Seeding looks at 20% right now but could turn dry in march and windy windy in April and dry in may to get some seeded.
                      Funny companies want me to pay for every thing now hm their covered and I have a bunch of useless inputs for 2012.
                      Oh well. theirs always 2013.



                        Just to make your blood pressure rise, I will tease you a bit.

                        Your 38% to cwb board grains, means you still trust the cwb? Or does the 22 percent to barley/oats/pulses mean you could swing those into cwb grains? Thus making you a board supporter?

                        Well, I have just figured you out - your a closet board supporter!!!



                          Bucket to keep a proper rotation thats the lost liter on our operation. Yea Im a closet board supporter, good one.


                            Seriously, isn't that the way the cwb gauges support. Acres and potential swing acres into board grains.

                            If the cwb doesn't get their collective heads on pretty soon they may have less to sell next year.

                            There should be some competing bids for durum and cwrs from the board or the west will turn yellow.

                            As much as I hate the canola seed price, at the current oct 11 price and no storing, its worth taking a look at. Flax will be up there as it usually has a premium to canola. Peas and lentils are two weeks away from sorting the 2010 crop out and then you will see attractive bids.

                            The world is short:

                            1. High quality wheat and durum
                            2. Canola will be tight
                            3. Soybeans are tight see above getting tighter
                            4. Corn is tight and the dryness they are predicting down south, leads to lower yields than this year.
                            5. Flax has been exported at a higher rate than pre triffid and its a short crop for 2010.

                            So where is the cwb - trying to find grain for those chinese and saudi sales they were so proud of.


                              I agree the whole west will be blue yellow and white. From the air. (Flax,Canola,Pulses).
                              The CWB is running out crop to sell fast and furious. They dont get the fact that next year their might not be any HRS or Durum for them to sell.


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