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Its Going Viral!!!

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    Its Going Viral!!!

    12000 plus hits so far.
    Its awesome awesome awesome.
    The Truth hurts and this is what the CWB stands for and really is.
    Pay bonus to CWB employees and help preferred buyers and screw the Canadian farmers.

    Ask a Liberal or NDP why they support this. Only in Canada Screw the West and Help the rest.
    This is all about jobs, Useless jobs.
    That's the Canadian way. Help the rest.
    The CWB protects the Canadian Millers,
    The foreighn buyers, The railways, and Eastern Canada.
    Hurts the Western Canadian Farmers.
    Hm something is wrong.


      Where are all the CWB supporters. Buisy hauling other crops.


        Instead of always complainging about the cwb,do something about it that they actually notice.Quit dealing with them,i haven't grown wheat for 12 year now.Screw the wheat board,because there out to screw you.


          [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YLMFbYe7MU"]Link to video[/URL]

          Check out the comment section underneath it. Mostly pro choicers with a couple of boardies crying about how unfair it is.


            A nice little treat for school kids in Ontario when they open up their ipads, wouldn't it be?


              Hey tnt, I don't know where you live, but our climate in dryland south central ab, with growing season of about 90 days and rainfall just above the desert, limits the best crops to grow here.

              If there was a marketing board in Illinois that was limiting the farmgate prices of soybeans, would you propose they not grow them there?

              When the world is willing to pay good money for something we can grow very well (most years?) but it does not get back to the farm, you advocate that we just accept that and walk away?


                Hats off to whoever made this video, I'm pretty sure it's the only thing I've seen that dumbs it right down so anyone can understand.
                Interesting to read the comments from non farm or ag related people taking a note of this.


                  IMO, the best line is this, "so we give the illusion of giving choice, by offering programs that will cost farmers alot of money. We use the money we make from this to subsidize the pools"
                  It seems the last couple years that the only way to beat the pools is if they slip up on Main St. and forget to jack around with the Basis or Adj factor. The opportunity might be their a day or two before they "fix things".


                    Not growing wheat is not an option for the majority in western Canada.
                    There's a reason why the CWB has monopoly powers just over the west. Its because this is the place to grow wheat.


                      Yeah and with any luck, someday the cereals market will be just like the shaky oat market and the shaky flaky crooked forage markets. Yup open er up I say, lets give the multies what they want and I'm sure that, at .o1 penny per bushel, the farms using volume economics kin still get rich. Only way to go, tear the whole system down and see what happens! Yous guys are tuly visionarys or at least airys.....


                        silverback, I'm beginning to wonder if the only way to obtain change might be to starve the beast(lets call it STB). Perhaps if it faced penalties, demurage, and legal action from importing countries due to their inability to fill contracts, and deficits would show up on it's books, the gov't might be forced to look at matters if they had to bale them out(particularly when the gov't is short of money themselves) and finally scrap the thing, and those that did deliver would end up with a very small pool payment.(maybe causing some of them to go broke too) One or two years most and it would be gone.
                        There must be other choices for you, canaryseed, lentels chick peas, flax even chemfallow for a year or two, other employment, something. Yes, it would be harder for some than others(because of crop options) but this debate has been raging before I started farming in the seventies and there has been little change beyond, oats since. I'm open to all ideas.



                          The CWB impacts all crops. If you think you're avoiding the impact of the CWB by growing canola, you are mistaken. If wheat was a better option, we'd grow more - which means less canola, or less oats, or less - whatever. Because it is less of an option than what it should be, more of everything else is grown, putting downward pressure on prices.

                          and - cash flow - because of the CWB too much canola gets sold in the fall pushing prices lower.

                          When it comes to the CWB, you can run, but you can't hide.


                            i'm guessing this was precisely the
                            intent, but hopefully the video will give
                            all those producers watching it the
                            incentive to vote.


                              I am probably getting myself into
                              serious trouble this week with some pro-
                              board clients for my enthusiasm over
                              this video, but I just can't stop
                              because it's so amazing to see on
                              youtube the exact conversation we keep
                              having with these people. It's uncanny,
                              since I have no clue who did it or where
                              they got the material, but wow have I
                              ever been on the receiving end of that
                              attitude over the past 7 years since we
                              started FarmLink.


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