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Climate Change Schemers in Mexico

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    Parsley please unbutton your Victorian collar as its cutting off the blood flow to your Brain. lol

    Get a grip on reality, Iceland went bankrupt due to greedy bankers in the US exporting worthless crap investments (mortgages) around the world
    I don't know who you saw with designer clothes in haiti are you sure you weren't looking in the mirror?


      This just in "2010 set to be Canada's warmest year" From the World Meterological Organization. See link.


      Must be a bunch of socialists trying to redistribute the wealth by misreading their thermometers!

      Parsley you are losing touch with reality. Since when did Conservatives not support collecting taxes to pay for roads, education and healthcare?


        Further to my point Parsley. You obviously think corporations should make public policy.

        You are so far out on the fringe that you make David Frum (former Bush advisor and speech writer look like a moderate)

        Just saw a article in the New York Times magazine about the Tea Party penned by Frum. Even Frum has the sense to know that not all tax cuts pay for themselves and that a publicly funded saftey net for the unemployed and those who can't work is good public policy. The point being that if you lose your job and have 0 income you can't even pay your rent and buy the basics. It is very important for economic stability in a recession to keep the money flowing.


          1. I stated up front I am a hardliner.Don't feign indignance.

          2. Of course Iceland went bankrupt due to bad choices. My point is they are living with their choices. Betcha they don't do it again. LOL

          3. CP/LIb/NDP all depend on legislated stealing. Admit it is stealing. You consider it your entitlement.Both of you would stal more and more and more, every penny you could because you feel entitled!

          4. Every country can steal money from their own citizens and pay their unemployed if they so wish. But I am not prepared to stand by silent as foreign countires decide to steal Canadian environmental checkoffs to dole out to their lazy, to their victims. or to their unemployed. They must supposrt themselves.

          5. chuckles, you know full well I believe governments should be regulators. Not players. Fair rules must be made by governments. And enforced. What's new and different about my position? Lawsey, for being chuckie, you're a bit sluggish today. Parsley


            Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. They have nearly deforested the entire land. They experienced a devastating earthquake. Are in the midst of a terrible cholera outbreak. They often experience huricanes and have a very poor or non-existent democracy and you expect them to recover without outside help? And all you can say is get off their asses? Does that include the orphaned children who lost their entire family? The people who lost legs and arms? And the sick and dying lying in large tents waiting to die?


              So Parsley. Are you going to return your share of all the subsidies and tax breaks you have received as a farmer?

              How about the equalization that Saskatchewan received as a have not province? Should be able to calculate the per capita benefit over the years.

              I know that your success in life was only because you are smart, worked hard and made your millions the old fashioned way with little support or benefits.

              Perhaps you and your children benefited from subsidized education and health care?

              You might not have done quite as well if you had been born in Haiti.


                BTW Parsley,
                What are your thoughts on the article about Canada's warming climate?


                  Enough of this bickering. All I want to know is how many carbon credits these guys paid to get get there and how much they paid for them. Anything under 500 per ton is a slap in the face. I stand my ground and look them in the face.


                    1. cbc quotes the UN's weather agency ...and it's the word of Zeus?... I love your humour! LOL

                    2. I'll reword your question: "Why should a nervy bunch of socialists try to redistribute global wealth by using thermometers, in the first place? "

                    3. You accuse me, saying that I:
                    "think corporations should make public policy." Huh? I've knocked Monsanto's second largest shareholder George Soros, for TWO bloody days, and have made no secret of saying farmers, through regulation, will be slaves to corporations who have no responsibilty for their patented actions! What are you smokin', chuckie?

                    4. Guilt Tripping: Let's compare the Eskimos to Haiti, since the Eskimo language is popular these days. No election fights and shootings in the north. No hurricane every decade, but forty below all winter long every year. Annual Igloo housing to BUILD every year or freeze to death!. Diseases in both countries. Haiti chopped down their own trees. NWT never had trees. North seems to have a society they like and want to maintain. Haiti has refugees trying to escape. Hmmmm. What is the matter with this picture? The environment or the people or the system? Parsley


                      musssy, you are just jealous of my designer rubber boots. You know the $400.00 blue jeans that are frayed and white? Well my boots are "naturally browned" .... I could find you a pair for $200.00?



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