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Climate Change Schemers in Mexico

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    By jove, FarmRanger expressed climatus taxes the best I've ever read:

    "A socialist wealth redistribution scheme that a few western elites can skim off of the top, leaving the rest of us to pay the bill."

    C'mon, read it again.

    And chuckles,if you think that
    Exxon's 40 billion in profit in one quarter was earned by consumers and belonged in consumers' pockets, you are morally wrong.

    See, Happy Trails? I've lost patience. Pars


      Parsley I'm warning you again. Unbutton that victorian collar cause your eyes are bulging. LOL


        Japan abandoned Kyoto on December 1, 2021:

        http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=http://stock.jrj.com.cn/2010/12/0204048691903.shtml&ei=NDn4TOijN5TksQP-lNS2Ag&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0C F4Q7gEwBw&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25E6%2597%25A5%25E6%259C%25AC%25E4%2 5BA%25AC%25E9%2583%25BD%25E8%25AD%25B0%25E5%25AE%2 59A%25E6%259B%25B8%25E7%259B%25AE%25E6%25A8%259920 10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1126%26bih%3D578%26p rmd%3Dn

        Yup. Tumble Tumble Snort giggle Pars


          That should be 2010. I told you I can't count.


            <i>So when oil hit nearly 150 US per barrel and Exxon made 40 billion in profit in one quarter was this not a transfer of wealth from consumers pocket to Exxon shareholders? Perhaps you don't mind if Exxon takes excessive profits out of your pocket? At least when governments tax energy, the money can be used to pay down debt, build roads, fund healthcare, education, and research alternatives etc. Who do you think will act in the best long term interest of consumers, Exxon or the governments that are elected by a democratic process?</i>

            Exxon made good profits that year, and so did I. Granted, mine were pretty paltry in comparison, but I still wouldn’t want someone taxing them away solely because someone else thought they were excessive. A free market takes care of people getting excessive profits in the long run anyway.

            Some of the things government spends money on are fine, but in a lot cases a better job would be done if I spend money on it myself. If the government takes that choice away and spends money unwisely, what is my recourse? Can I refuse to pay a portion of my taxes?
            I can vote against them, but politicians have become so adept at gaming a gullible public, that many people routinely vote for politicians who promise to put in place short sighted policies at best, wrong headed and harmful at worst.

            Consumers, Exxon and governments all have one thing in common, they are all out for the protection of their own best interests. Working for your own best interest is not a bad thing in and of itself, but of the three, governments have the most power to negatively affect others lives. The rest of us live within the law, governments create laws.


              Scheesch, loneranger, with impeccable logic like that, it has to follow that you're boring at a party and can't dance. LOLOL :>) Pars


                I would think with how Alberta is in dire economic straits that people would be saying why didn't We get more royalties from the likes of Exxon when they were making their $40 billion in profits.
                If the royalties were up where they should be then Alberta might have some money to spend on healthcare.


                  Gee, thanks Parsley
                  It's like you're psychic or something.


                    <i>why didn't we get more royalties from <b>the
                    likes of </b> Exxon when they were making their
                    $40 billion in profits. </i>
                    <b>Because those companies made investments
                    based on the understanding of what royalty rates
                    were in a business freindly province. </b>
                    Unfortunately our government managed to burst
                    that bubble a couple of years back with the
                    unilateral reworking (breaching?) of existing
                    contracts with oil companies.
                    Now tax revenue has dropped. Coincidence?
                    Sorry, getting a bit off topic.


                      If it was any more of a "business friendly province" you would give them the OIL for FREE.
                      And then Pass the HAT for a silver collection to help pay for hospitals etc

                      We should get the Norwegian government over here to show us how to get our fair share out of resources. They have the same amount of oil as Alberta but Way more revenue.

                      Alberta made more from slot machines than Oil for a few years in the start of this decade. Thanks to Mr. Klein


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