Much like Brenda, my marketting goal is to maximize the profits which is a constantly moving target. Reducing risk is also a big in my marketting. Lucked out a bit still sitting on last years canola. Just looked at the ice futures a couple minutes ago and am thinking I am pretty hot right now.
I am pretty hot with the stock markets also, yesterday sold the RIM after the 6.5 percent run up, used the money to buy HRG at 1.25, Today sold the HRG at 1.31 and bought back into the RIM at the same price I sold it at.
The Rim since dropped back a couple percent but that is one stock that is going places.
Just wish the Saskfarmer3s don't dump so much grain into the domestic feed markets.
I am pretty hot with the stock markets also, yesterday sold the RIM after the 6.5 percent run up, used the money to buy HRG at 1.25, Today sold the HRG at 1.31 and bought back into the RIM at the same price I sold it at.
The Rim since dropped back a couple percent but that is one stock that is going places.
Just wish the Saskfarmer3s don't dump so much grain into the domestic feed markets.