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Who is the Real Push Behind Obama Legislation?

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    Who is the Real Push Behind Obama Legislation?

    I often read an article like this one, and don't really drill into what pushes change.

    So humor me, and follow along.

    Here's a humdrum article:

    "House could still prove stumbling block for food safety bill
    Post a commentBy Caroline Scott-Thomas, 01-Dec-2010

    After major foodborne illness outbreaks in spinach, eggs and peanut products, the Food Safety Modernization Act passed the US Senate on Tuesday, but it could still reach an impasse in the House.

    The House passed a companion bill, the Food Safety Enhancement Act in July 2009, but despite the Senate version’s passage with a bipartisan 73-25 vote, there is little time available in the current congressional lame-duck session for the two chambers to wrangle over the details of a final version.

    Both versions of the legislation attempt to shift from cracking down on unsafe foods after they get to market, toward preventing them from reaching store shelves. They would give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to order recalls, rather than simply request them as it does now; greater access to companies food safety records; and would require food manufacturers to keep detailed food safety plans.

    President Barack Obama said in a statement: “We are one step closer to having critically important new tools to protect our nation’s food supply and keep consumers safe. This legislation ensures more frequent inspections of food manufacturing facilities and will require these facilities to take preventative actions to reduce the risks of outbreaks and foodborne illness.”

    He urged the House to act quickly on the bill.

    The House version of the legislation, which passed last year, included more money for FDA inspections, fees for food manufacturers, and tougher penalties for manufacturers that violate the law, all of which were eliminated in the Senate version.

    Consumer advocacy group the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) welcomed the bill but also said that Congress needs to act quickly to resolve differences and pass a final version.

    CFA’s distinguished fellow in food policy Carol Tucker-Foreman said: “Food safety reform isn’t finished yet. Differences in the House and Senate bills have to be resolved quickly so a final bill can be sent to the President. Time is very short but it can be done. The bills have some differences in language and resources required but they share identical goals and framework.”

    Meanwhile, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) applauded Senators for moving the bill forward and also urged the House to swiftly follow suit.

    GMA president Pamela Bailey said: “We applaud the Senate for passing S. 510, The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act – this landmark legislation provides FDA with the resources and authorities the agency needs to help strengthen our nation’s food safety system by making prevention the focus of our food safety strategies.”

    The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) highlighted what it referred to as “weakening compromises” in the bill, including the recent exemption for smaller businesses and reductions in the frequency of inspections.

    Nevertheless, CSPI executive director Michael Jacobson said: “Everyone who eats will benefit from this historic legislation… Preventing contamination in the first place is paramount to reducing the health care and economic costs that are caused when unsafe food makes people sick.”

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in four Americans falls ill due to foodborne pathogens each year, 375,000 are hospitalized, and about 5,000 die. "

    Okay, Carol Tucker-Foreman is in this article...rememeber I got into a rant about her yesterday and Georgie Soros?
    Well today, I decided to follow up on a group in thsi article that I haven't looked up before, a Consumer advocacy group called

    "Consumer Federation of America (CFA)"

    Stick with me darling. I promise we'll have an exciting time. Pars

    "The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)"

    Nah....I decided to change my mind and go for the The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) instead because they are also in CANADA.

    See, we're already getting sidetracked into a Canadian alley. Heh. Pars


      So let's stroll down the Canadian alley. How much does it cost? Who pays for this organization? Hmmmmmmmm.

      Hold my hand, stinky, and make it fun. After all this is all about selling what I grow on the farm. Where. When. REGULATORY happenings, right?


      Well let's look up "Center for Communications, Health and the Environment (CECHE)" because they have been faithful funders for several years. Must be kind folks. Pars


        Wait a minute. Back up a step! That alley called Center for Science in the Public Interest is scarey:



          Yup,pretty screwy.

          I hate this one to,have you heard about it?


          Basically bill c-6,which shuts down all homeopathy
          and natural remedy things.


            Whoops typo,not screwy,scary.

            And if your ever bored look up,tia,(total information
            awareness,pretty screwy,i mean...


              1. Center for Science in the Public Interest

              IS part of the healthcare Lobby:


              2. Center for Science in the Public Interest

              is part of the socialist do-gooder crowd :

              3. Center for Science in the Public Interest is the top American watchdog....for Russian readers?..

              4. Center for Science in the Public Interest was linked on years gone by Y2K scheme page, remmber!
              This was an interesting entry on this page:

              Capitalizing on Change (Alberta, CA)

              Must be a cousin of Stelmach lol You'd better research that one farmranger and find out if you have rats in your back yard. LOL

              5. Center for Science in the Public Interest took away toys at McDonalds?

              6. Center for Science in the Public Interest...Well you can't resist a link called Eskimo, LOL




                In the article at the beginning of this thread, there was a group called Consumer Federation of America. It sounds so 'apple pie', doesn't it.

                It isn't. It is one of Soros' bought and paid for mouthpieces, imho.

                And if you think he cannot destroy a country, ask England what he did with their British pound screwing around intentionally.

                He is fearless because he is rich.

                I was going to walk you through a few of the associations mentioned in the "Harmless" lobby group,who are prepared to make absolute slaves out of farmers in the USA, but you are smart enough to already know what you are looking at.

                I'm a fun date, aren't I? LOL

                This is money Soros spends with two of his political pens 1. Open Society and 2. Tides:

                Provided at Forbes.com

                Below, PARTIAL

                PARTIAL , got it?

                list of groups funded by Open Society and Tides in 2008:

                Alliance for Climate Protection $5,000,000.00
                Drug Policy Institute $4,000,000.00
                Media Development and Loan Fund $3,900,000.00
                American Constitution Society $3,650,000.00
                Proteus Fund $3,200,000.00
                Revenue Watch Institute $3,000,000.00
                Tides Foundation $2,875,000.00
                Third Way $2,250,000.00
                Tides Center $2,100,000.00
                Public Interest Projects $1,700,000.00
                Rudolf Steiner Foundation $1,530,000.00
                Center for Independent Media $1,500,000.00
                Working America Education Fund $1,169,000.00
                Project Vote $1,066,000.00
                Center for NYC Neighborhoods $1,000,000.00
                Center for American Progress $1,000,000.00
                Link Media $1,000,000.00
                Foundation to Promote Open Society $1,000,000.00
                Center for Community Change $805,000.00
                Catalist $801,000.00
                Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education $775,000.00
                Center on Budget and Policy Priorities $750,000.00
                PowerPAC.org $750,000.00
                Institute for America’s Future $700,000.00
                National Security Archive Fund $695,000.00
                William J Brennan Center $675,000.00
                Media Matters $625,000.00
                NRDC $620,000.00
                The Advancement Project $600,000.00
                Public Justice Center $575,000.00
                Community Rights Center $500,000.00
                People for the American Way $500,000.00
                Living Cities $500,000.00
                La Raza $500,000.00
                Center for Progressive Leadership $500,000.00
                Center for Investigative Reporting $476,000.00
                Protex a network for progressive texas $473,000.00
                NAACP $450,000.00
                Free Press, Florence, Mass $450,000.00
                Demos $450,000.00
                ABA Fund for Justice $400,000.00
                Project Vote $400,000.00
                Focus Project $400,000.00
                National Women’s Law Center $400,000.00
                EFF $400,000.00
                Civic Engagement Fund $400,000.00
                Center for Progressive Reform $400,000.00
                Tides Center $382,000.00
                Center for Independent Media $350,000.00
                Due Process of Law Foundation $315,000.00
                Grassroots Leadership $305,000.00
                Project on Government Oversight $300,000.00
                Progressive States Foundation $300,000.00
                League of Young Voters Education Fund $300,000.00
                Justice Policy Center $300,000.00
                Drum Major Institute $300,000.00
                Center for Responsible lending $300,000.00
                Center for Political Accountability $300,000.00
                Center for Democracy and Technology $300,000.00
                Center for Democracy and Freedom $300,000.00
                ACORN $294,000.00
                Consumer Federation of America $275,000.00
                Natl Consumer Law Center $250,000.00
                American Library Assoc. $250,000.00
                Union of Concerned Scientists $250,000.00
                Govt accountability project $250,000.00
                Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in Calif $250,000.00
                EarthJustice $250,000.00
                Amnesty Intl $250,000.00
                American Assoc for Social Justice $250,000.00
                Center for Progressive Leadership $250,000.00
                George Washington U $240,000.00
                Capital Litigation Communications Project $230,000.00
                Public Interest Research Group $230,000.00
                Foundation for National Progress $225,000.00
                USAction Coalition $205,000.00
                American Judicature Society $200,000.00
                Human Rights Campaign Foundation $200,000.00
                Alliance for Justice $200,000.00
                Consumers Union $200,000.00
                Critical Resistance $200,000.00
                Center for Constitutional Rights $200,000.00
                Movement Strategy Center Oakland $200,000.00
                Center for Public Interest Research $200,000.00
                Natl Institut Money in state politics $160,000.00
                Center for Community Change $160,000.00
                Wired on Wheels $150,000.00
                Colorado Center Law and Policy $150,000.00
                Ruckus Society $150,000.00
                United for a Fair Economy $150,000.00
                Progressive America Fund – center for working families $150,000.00
                Oregon Center for Public Policy $150,000.00
                Apollo Alliance $150,000.00
                Drum Major Institute $150,000.00
                Civic Justice $125,000.00
                center for responsive politics $125,000.00
                Center for Media Justice $125,000.00
                Center for International Policy $120,000.00
                Oregon Progress Forun $100,000.00
                New Democracy Project $100,000.00
                USAction Coalition $100,000.00
                EarthRights International $100,000.00
                Illinois Campaign for Judicial Reform $100,000.00
                Democracy a Journal of Ideas $100,000.00
                Center for public accountability $100,000.00
                Progress Michigan $100,000.00
                Political Research Assoc $100,000.00
                Center for Public Interest Research $100,000.00
                Center on Budget and Policy Priorities $100,000.00
                Missouri Citizen Education Fund $90,000.00
                ProgressOhio Education $90,000.00
                PETA $81,000.00
                Michigan Citizens Eduication Fund $80,000.00
                Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts $75,000.00
                Virginia Organizing Project $75,000.00
                Institute for Policy Studies $60,000.00
                Campaign for America’s Future $55,000.00
                People for the American Way $54,000.00
                George Mason U $49,000.00
                Iowa Citzen Action Network Education Foundation $40,000.00
                VoterPunch $40,000.00
                DemocracyinAction $35,000.00
                Ducks Unlimited $2,025.00

                Yup charliep. Ducks unlimited.

                "Sizeable" donations are kept from the view of delicate eyes and gasping weaklings.

                Thanks for the think-walk. Wanna do it again sometime?


                I know for a fact there are some who consider me insane, but they will definitely miss an exciting time.


                  For markers and comparisons,i've been using old
                  high is new low,and new high is the highest
                  possible price.

                  This gives you a trading range.

                  Its broad and not accurate enough for reasonable
                  time periods,but its something.

                  You need to look at the inflationary periods of the
                  20's and 70' and now 00'.

                  After that you can turn tech and fundamental

                  We have a shortage,but how high is high,and
                  obviously if i could answer those questions i
                  wouldn't because id be on a beach in hawaii-
                  forever. Doesn't mean im not going to try.

                  Now,volumes,we are in uncharted territory.

                  At some point in time these contracts are
                  resolved,but there are now so many, the argument
                  of bullish and bearish shortterm is hard to predict.

                  We could have a few larger entities sell right off
                  which would cause a cascade effect that produces a
                  sell off of smaller entities that are on margin or

                  Which brings us to- what the **** is going on?

                  Who and why are they buying?

                  Well who and why don't matter,the market is a force
                  unto itself.Re-read that.

                  That is a truth just like gravity is a truth.

                  And there a lot of good reasons to be bullish on
                  ag,even if wheat trades limit up and down.

                  Which brings us always and forever back to the
                  bond market.


                    whoopsidoodle,suppose to go under boarder blokes


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