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Unofficial election results

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    The CWB is a democracy? Don't think so. That would entail a new definition of democracy. Can a quasi-commercial entity, which does not have a voluntary membership, be categorized as a democracy?
    Maybe if you really stretch your imagination.


      Perhaps the governace issue is the thorniest and area of biggest
      landmines for both the federal government and the CWB. Is the CWB a
      political organization that looks after the interests of stakeholders that
      vote for it or a business organization that looks after its commericial
      interests? Will be interesting down the road when the CWB has a
      contingency of 1 billion dollars to provide backing in a world of no
      government guarantees.

      Way off topic of the election. Sorry about that.


        The CWB use farmers' money to work against
        farmers and the amount is obscene

        They should be thrown out on their collective
        ears, into snow on sides of Portage an Main with
        no money for even a gd taxi.
        Nice thought.

        Raining where I am. Pars


          The shitface types who wear a cwb tie at the mgx
          will whizz through $1B the same way they whiz in
          the mens' room with the resident valet holding
          toiletries and condoms. Pars.


            Charlie, you're not off topic at all. I believe the reason for low voter turnout lies in your question.
            Some see it as a political organization, and no doubt its board likes to imagine itself as that. They are quick to remind us they think their role is to influence, or even make policy.
            Others see it as a commercial organization with a defined marketing role. These farmers are less likely to vote with a ballot, and more likely to vote with their business.
            As long as the CWB is not clearly one or the other, farmers will continue to respond in different ways, depending on how they see it. And it is likely that voter turnout in director elections will continue to decline based on the demographics as you note in the CWB survey and on the uncertain function of the CWB itself.
            (would note that the fact that the CWB polls farmers with a survey that tries harder to get at political issues rather than commercial performance tells you what the CWB thinks of itself)


              Really don't understand this.

              District 3 votes in a guy who bypasses the board and grows organic grain.

              The majority of producers probably are forced to use the cwb to sell their durum and are conventional growers.

              Its idiotic. But its a win on the third ballot for wells. Nothing good will come of this.


                Kodiak, there was just an election with the opportunity for all the producers in the designated zones to vote. If only 41% voted the majority squandered the right to have any say on the outcome. That's what I meant about making democracy work. I think the voter should always have the power to decide the outcome so I don't think it's up to a minister to make the issue "relevant".


                  What I don't get is that 59% of the eligible farmers couldn't be bothered to mark an X on a self paid envelope to get their views known. These same guys go to town to save 10 cents on a tube of grease and forgo tens of thousands of dollars on their wheat sales! If we don't care as to how we sell our grain, why should Harper or Ritz. Sometimes the words "dumb farmer" aren't to far from the truth!


                    Congrats to Mr. WELLS in District 3! On this occassion the best most qualified man won. Democracy works! It restores ones faith in the system. Disappointment in area 1, however, for many of us. Albertie angriville types will be cheering and partying late into the night, however. Not causa the election, but just coz wes likes partyin.........


                      I understand they way you think about the CWB.
                      But what about those who don't view it as a democratic organization, but instead view it as a commercial one? Do you understand how they may be frustrated and don't see director elections as a legitimate or effective way to manage change or enhance the profitablity of their farm business?


                        Sorry, my questions above are addressed to grassfarmer. Interveening posts may have made that unclear....


                          @ parsley,

                          How do I fight then good sir? I understand that the decision to grow non-board crop ultimately backfires in the end, but as a young farmer in a district that obviously is quite pro-CWB, is there another way to go about this?


                            Regardless of what you think about the CWB most farmers trust a farmer board of directors controlling a marketing organization more than they do a public or private corporation.

                            The CWB system has its flaws, but at least you get an opportunity to change how it operates. Good luck influencing Viterra, Cargil, Bunge, Monsanto, Bayer, Agrium etc.

                            How many of you have an opportunity to be on the Board of any major international company? Unless you come from the business elite with money and connections your chances are almost nill.


                              Chuckles most farmers trust the board of
                              directors. Yea what a crock of Shit. Most
                              of these guys get their first check and
                              their brain shuts off.
                              Why cant people run who have a pot to ps
                              in and say what they mean.



                                You said:

                                "Regardless of what you think about the CWB most farmers trust a farmer board of directors controlling a marketing organization more than they do a public or private corporation."

                                I trust Cargill, Pioneer, Viterra, Bunge, Providence Grain, Westlock Terminals, Great Northern Grain, Sunhaven Farms, Permolex, Lougheed Seed Clearners, Holmstrom Seed Farms, Galloway Seeds, Master Feeds, Federated Co-operatives, UFA, Market Masters, Champion Feeds, and every other business that we have sold our produce to in the past years.

                                NOT one of these businesses have ripped us off...

                                ONLY the CWB... because of the monopoly.

                                And our farm did not even vote in this election... even though we grow grain on over 3000ac in district one.

                                Vote on integrity of the CWB and the 'single desk'?

                                The 'single desk' only strips integrity away from the CWB... it has never added on ounce of good will or value to/for our farm. The CWB 'monopoly' only depreciates the CWB and binds, steals, and deceives folks who know this is wrong but can not change a law that is corrupt and disgraceful.

                                YOU are simply wrong chuckChuck.

                                GET over it.


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