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Unofficial election results

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    I note the March 2011 Canola 'single desk' ICE price is at $573/t Canadian!

    Can you imagine if the CWB 'single desk' monopoly got its meat hooks into Canola... what the CWB price would be?


    A $300/t Canola initial?


      Kodiak, yes I understand the frustration as I've been in similar situations myself on other issues. The way to change things in my opinion is to convince your fellow producers, fellow voters that your arguments are the right ones. Not voting (not you personally) then trying to get the minister to override the majority is not the democratic way to do it in my book.



        Just in case you forgot;

        The 'majority' includes Quebec.

        This whole system of BC, Quebec, Ontario, and Maritimes voting on what the CWB should or can't do is not democratic, reasonable, just, or moral.

        YOU are WRONG Grassfarmer.


          No TOM you are wrong - keep it simple and honest - the only people voting in this election were your fellow grain producers in the appropriate zones in the prairies.
          Talk of changing things politically in Ottawa is a different issue. Kodiak and I were discussing the issue of producers not voting in this election.
          If you decided not to vote although you were eligible don't blame the results on guys in different provinces that weren't voting. That is sheer fantasy.


            organic producers have Flaman, Korneychuk,
            Stewart and any others I missed?

            So, boys, we don't have many numbers! How
            come folks vote for organic porducers?

            Must be we have earned the art of sweetalk,
            what say Tinker?



            I am. Devlish tonight cott! Better hide. Lol


              I guess you will think, if you are consistent, that it
              is immoral that a ragtag bunch of organic
              producers should be representing conventional

              I could not resist that one Tom, lol
              Yer pal pars


                Another election is done and the board sinks further into irrelevancy.



                  Thanks for getting the mini-bulk bag of salt out....

                  Now perhaps if we dumped it on grassfarmers tail...

                  Trust a livestock producer to defend the CWB, how much milling wheat/durum do you say you sell the CWB each year?


                    Cheap feed makes calves worth more.


                      Tomorrows headline should read, " Majority of farmers see no point in voting in CWB elections"


                        I can't believe farmers in district 3 voted for Stewart Wells. The board is indeed in grave danger of becoming irrelevant. And yes three organic farmers on the board is very odd.


                          No TOM I wasn't defending the cwb I was pointing out that producers had the democratic right to vote for change in this election and if they didn't do that they can't really complain. I don't sell anything to the board and I never claimed to. Doesn't stop me having an opinion or the right to air it.

                          Farmranger, you are right cheap feed should make calves worth more. If I was only concerned with my own self interest I would say please continue with your anti - cwb campaign. Once they are gone the Cargills and ADMs of this world will make sure that grain is very, very cheap on the prairies.


                            grassfarmer. Now I'm really beginning to think you're driven only ideology. Statements like your last one don't mean much, except I suppose it does reveal something about your approach to your business (and it seems, mine too). Canola is bought (in competition with dozens of other buyers) by the ADM's and Cargill's. In fact these two are a couple of the biggest buyers. Canola is $13/bushel. Why have these companies not made sure it is cheap?


                              Grassfarmer, why is canola profitable if the CWB
                              isn't defending us against the evil big

                              In fact why is canola way<b> more </b>profitable
                              than wheat?
                              Don't kid yourself grassfarmer, those big
                              companies are more fond of the CWB than you
                              are. They could care less what the price of
                              wheat is, as they get paid regardless.
                              Alternatively, they have to bid for my canola.


                                FarmRanger-will you get out of my brain?


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