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Unofficial election results

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    LOL kodiak, we even posted at the exact same


      Same old same old. As I have said many times, last and only only hope is Conservative majority, hope you are all sending cheques for political tax credits for 2010.


        You people truly are morons.

        How can you compare wheat to canola?

        They are two completely different things, with completely different market conditions.

        It would be like comparing crude oil to gold.

        Using your logic you could say that OPEC gets lower prices for oil, because Gold mining is more profitable.

        Also why is it that most open market agricultural commodities are a flop?


          <i>"You people truly are morons.">

          The final argument of those who don't have
          anything better.

          <i>How can you compare wheat to canola? </i>

          Merely pointing out the fact that if the big bad
          grain companies haven't ruined our profit margins
          in free market canola, there is no reason to
          believe they would do it to wheat either.  

          <i>Using your logic you could say that OPEC
          gets lower prices for oil, because Gold mining is
          more profitable. </i>

          Maybe, but only if you could squeeze gold out of
          an oil well  <b>and</b> OPEC was a
          government mandated single desk oil buying
          agency that artificially suppresses the price of oil.  

          <i>Also why is it that most open market
          agricultural commodities are a flop?</i>

          Assuming there is such a thing, it's certainly not
          because the CWB isn't selling their product for



            Get some charts and check how oil and gold do track each other. US $ value and beans/canola/wheat/corn/oil all now track closely as the bioeconomy takes hold.


              cchurch: What has happened to wheat acres over the past 20 years in western canada? And those floppy open market commdities up huge over that time, peas, lentils, canola??? The only flop has been the returns for board grains and it shows in acres seeded. Also look and the amount of andrew wht compared to hrsw. Again nothin but sewage spewing from a borg man with no facts on statements just retoric.


                Furrow the growing of peas and lentils have Little to do with open market and more to do with Agronomy. The benefits of these crops and the EXtinction of
                summerfallow has kept our soils going strong.
                If all open markets crops were so popular then why have flax and Fall rye acres dropped off in the last 20 years.


                  Always interesting how far threads get off track.

                  Congratulations to directors who won their respective districts. You have a big job ahead in a changing world providing strategic direction to a $5 billion business that needs to manage its own risk and yet provide services for a diverse group of stakeholders.

                  A measure of your success will be the ability to maintain or grow wheat and barley acres relative to other crops and to grow western Canadian market share in world trade volumes. Both canola and pulse industry organizations have targets and they are exceeding them beyond anyones dream in an open market setting.


                    Voting is TOO COMPLEX fer most Comedian farmers. Counting to three, is to tough. Therefore most Comedians didn't get around to voting or thinking about the CWB election of dictators. Most opened the envolopes hoping fer a cheque, didn't get one sos the ballot got tossed inta the trash. Yup angrivillers got way more important stuff ta due, like chiesling the neighbours outa a dime er two and makin friends at the local HTP grain company....


                      Mustardturd people grow pulses and specialty crops because they make money at it and they get paid right when they sell it. That has as much or more to do with it as growing it for it's agronomic benefits. Most wouldn;t grow it just because it provides cheap N for the soil. You wouldn't do it if you lost money. Believe me most wouldn't grow wheat if there was a better alternative in our climatic conditions.


                        NEVER thought I`d write this... Burbert, is right.As Bill Aberhart used to say in Albertie..."If they haven`t suffered enough...It`s their God given right to suffer some more!!!!!!!!!!!!"


                          Interesting to see that it took three socialists to down Otto!!!!!


                            F--k Off with your reasons for still "having to grow wheat due to climatic conditions"
                            There are a alot of open market crops that can replace wheat ie rye fall
                            or spring, feed barley, Canary Seed etc. So Don't use that lame ass excuse we are getting tired of it


                              Just curious who the royal "WE" is in the last sentence. Sounds orwellian/big brotherish from the book 1984.


                                Don't use that lame ass excuse I am getting tired of it . IS that better Charlie?
                                I get tired of a group who ******* and complains about something (losing a vote) when alot of them didn't bother to vote.


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