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    Comedians, Comedians, still ain't got a clue now do ya??? Who gives a flying **** if China or anyone doesn't issue anymore loans to the West. Please do yourself a favour & read the US Constitution word for word. It states the Government should issue its own currency, not some private banking cartel. Its called debt free money and its the way things are supposed to be. Money can only come into existence through way of debt. The creation of money is the first place we need to start. We will never ever fix the problem until we start here!!! If we follow the US Constitution word for word, we will ALL be living like Kings!!! Homework below for tonight kids...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dmPchuXIXQ - Federal Reserve - How Money is Created

    http://www.land.netonecom.net/tlp/ref/federal_reserve.shtml - Owners of the PRIVATE Federal Reserve

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr8gmjuSI5E - Fiat Empire - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the US Constitution

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PvaNWrkFeQ - Former IRS Agent Joe Banister and Ron Paul On CNBC Special Report - No Federal tax law exists

    Please Read The Last Sentence of This Quote.

    I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
    Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)
    3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)


      Lol,you are obviously new here,so i will be kind,Pars
      may not be,lol.

      7 years ago that stuff was interesting and ive been
      capitalizing ever since,when did you start?


        okey then what have you been capitalizing on intelligent one??? I have been reading you guys belly ache & bitch for a coon's age. Just recently have decided to help Guide Comedians...


          Don't call me when the goin gets tough. LOL

          Remember last time you had to deal with a guy with a real bad attitude problem, you sent him pills, or somebody on AV did?

          Musta worked for that guy and he got happy cause I don't remember him posting nastiness on AV again!

          Below is the page where you ordered that last guy's pills. Why don't you order some patches this time? This lump can't get any more miserable than he already is. LOL :


          Send me an email and tell me about all yr copper. Jeepers. I know who'll I'll be staying with when the banks collapse. besides, you'll need a sharp shooter. LOL




            Help guide-im all ears,love to hear your thoughts.

            Been here for a coons age?Pars and ive been talking
            about Dr.Paul for about the same amount of time.

            Constitution?What happens when the public relizes
            they can raid the coffers?Continue to vote in who
            will give them more and more and .....

            There is no conspiracy,this is simple,the public over
            the course of time has wanted more and more and
            more,and voted for anyone who would give it to

            This caused what is called debasement of a

            Mmmmm..now ASSuming you can grasp high school
            math tell me why things are always getting more
            expensive lately.

            And ASSuming you read the constitution you would
            have read the word gold.

            And ASSuming im not the worlds greatest comedian
            maybe you can connect a few dots from and too the
            words-debasement and gold...but i doubt
            it,because basically but not precisely that is how ive


              http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Canadians overdue taxes/3967354/story.html


                i borrow enough money and its the banks problem. banks borrow enough money and its gov problem. gov borrows enough and its back to me. one day we will pay for this, guaranteed.


                  My goodness, cottonpicken.

                  I thought you capitalized by taking on a battery operator's position.

                  In my area, half the farm owner's (loose term on "owner", really) need, not want their oilfield jobs to make their farms go.

                  When you start talking about 214% gains with 10% additional gains every few days, I'm reminded of the millionaire who visited Mexico, and, on his return, all he could talk about was the $0.10 cans of beans he was able to purchase.

                  Are you sure your gains aren't the jumping bean kind? (lol)

                  And what's with your off farm job? You one of these guys that has nothing better to do on Christmas day!


                    Now i know your not a farmer,25 quarters by myself
                    and you think i need a winter job that wouldn't
                    even come close to paying my fuel bill-which you
                    guessed it my smallest bill.

                    I don't know or care how others steer their ship,its
                    their business.

                    God forbid i talk about buying inputs and selling
                    grain which would make up a years wage in the

                    And i wont even put a price on the fact 8 months of
                    the year i don't get to spend much quality time with
                    my kids.

                    Why Has the farming population gone to hell......oh
                    ya cause its so easy.

                    And its 244% ytd..ill fax someone like Charlie to
                    verify the info if it pleases you.


                      Have you made out your December 31 farm installment payment yet?

                      You keep saying that everyone is misinformed about the state of the economy, except yourself and your guys. (That's the cleaned up version!)

                      What's the chance that you are correct? Oh!, I'd say no better than being correct, but the cause of the correctness being something your guys never anticipated.

                      Would you like to give it your remaining 14 months to see how it plays out? In that time, the iceberg might melt before we steer our ships to where you have pre-positioned it!!!

                      Your friend then won't have to pick off the rats wearing the copper jackets, as we lower the lifeboats.


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