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    This is what ive been waiting for.


    Different countries including Canada and the per capita debt:



      For our family of 4 thats 68000 to the gov
      and debt gone.
      So just make a 1% death tax and they get
      the debt gone. But then drop all the
      stupid friging govt programs.


        Good site wd,it actually had a link to a site i follow
        regularly,which had one heck of an article i had not
        yet read.


        I'll vouch for Jim Puplava,he's been kicking ass and
        taking names for a long,long time.


          Side note,rumor has it that j.p morgan is trying to
          corner the copper market in an attempt to cover losses
          that it is eating being caught in the mother of all short
          squeezes in another metals market.


            Interest rates are going to soar, so it's prudent to watch for the type of loan you take.

            I have written to my MP, and to the Conservative Party, requesting fiscal prudence; I believe the words were quit useless spending, but no reply.
            Every farmer should write their MP and ask for the useless spending stop, so that if you do have a bad year, asking for help is legitimate. Pars





                Pretty good interpretation of the situation.



                  What happens when asset allocation shifts away
                  from one of the largest markets on earth?

                  Guy says,"possibly the equity markets",as in nortel
                  or barrick?


                  Look at one of the charts that pops up to the left of
                  his head-thats the venture exchange.

                  I cant believe the level of misinformation out there.


                    There will be a few Bank of Canada heads that snap to attention some morning, when, in the wee hours of our night, China makes a decision to not grant operating loans to a few countries.

                    Snap. Ouch. Pars


                      Comedians, Comedians, still ain't got a clue now do ya??? Who gives a flying **** if China or anyone doesn't issue anymore loans to the West. Please do yourself a favour & read the US Constitution word for word. It states the Government should issue its own currency, not some private banking cartel. Its called debt free money and its the way things are supposed to be. Money can only come into existence through way of debt. The creation of money is the first place we need to start. We will never ever fix the problem until we start here!!! If we follow the US Constitution word for word, we will ALL be living like Kings!!! Homework below for tonight kids...

                      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dmPchuXIXQ - Federal Reserve - How Money is Created

                      http://www.land.netonecom.net/tlp/ref/federal_reserve.shtml - Owners of the PRIVATE Federal Reserve

                      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr8gmjuSI5E - Fiat Empire - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the US Constitution

                      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PvaNWrkFeQ - Former IRS Agent Joe Banister and Ron Paul On CNBC Special Report - No Federal tax law exists

                      Please Read The Last Sentence of This Quote.

                      I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
                      Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)
                      3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)


                        Lol,you are obviously new here,so i will be kind,Pars
                        may not be,lol.

                        7 years ago that stuff was interesting and ive been
                        capitalizing ever since,when did you start?


                          okey then what have you been capitalizing on intelligent one??? I have been reading you guys belly ache & bitch for a coon's age. Just recently have decided to help Guide Comedians...


                            Don't call me when the goin gets tough. LOL

                            Remember last time you had to deal with a guy with a real bad attitude problem, you sent him pills, or somebody on AV did?

                            Musta worked for that guy and he got happy cause I don't remember him posting nastiness on AV again!

                            Below is the page where you ordered that last guy's pills. Why don't you order some patches this time? This lump can't get any more miserable than he already is. LOL :


                            Send me an email and tell me about all yr copper. Jeepers. I know who'll I'll be staying with when the banks collapse. besides, you'll need a sharp shooter. LOL




                              Help guide-im all ears,love to hear your thoughts.

                              Been here for a coons age?Pars and ive been talking
                              about Dr.Paul for about the same amount of time.

                              Constitution?What happens when the public relizes
                              they can raid the coffers?Continue to vote in who
                              will give them more and more and .....

                              There is no conspiracy,this is simple,the public over
                              the course of time has wanted more and more and
                              more,and voted for anyone who would give it to

                              This caused what is called debasement of a

                              Mmmmm..now ASSuming you can grasp high school
                              math tell me why things are always getting more
                              expensive lately.

                              And ASSuming you read the constitution you would
                              have read the word gold.

                              And ASSuming im not the worlds greatest comedian
                              maybe you can connect a few dots from and too the
                              words-debasement and gold...but i doubt
                              it,because basically but not precisely that is how ive


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