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Canola Wheat

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    Canola Wheat

    I met a guy this summer who farms a pile of acres in WC Sask. The size of his farm is exceeded only by his ego.
    He appears to be very successful.

    What's his rotation? wheat/canola wheat/canola wheat/ canola

    I talked to a neighbour not long ago. He has an off farm job and doesn't have a lot of time. His rotation? You guessed it: wheat/canola.

    After years of growing seed. Growing a bunch of different crops. Cleaning out combines, bins, seeders ad nausium. Cleaning grain till midnight etc etc I am looking to simplify my life. What do you think? Maybe wheat/canola is the answer. Why not?

    Wheat canola sounds better than the canola snow canola rotation that some are pursuing!


      We have been close to that, with a bit of oats. I just can not stand the barley itch and after a few years of oats, those fields are wicked wild oats. So wheat/ canola is looking like the best option. In the 70's we had that rotation, it's definitely simpler, clean air seeder and combine once a season. Canola has been the best return forever.


        If only we had roundup ready peas...


          Duh, lets think about this fer a split second. Hey wait a minute, this has been going on fer years now in our area! Big farm egos, have also been around too. In farming, big is better, if'n you kin make the payments and sleep at night. To hell with it all, all that counts, is the bottom line in Comeidian gagriculture...


            God Damn Rights Burbert!!! Soybeans have been the #1 best return for years. Got to know how to farm though... 50-60 bushel per acre yields X My $2.00 per bushel premium for non-gmo soybeans sure is nice!!! I could sell for over $14 per bushel right now, but I need every penny I can get to battle the Hutts, so will wait'r out till the new year!!!


              BTO I can smell the sh*t coming out of your ears. I would like to see how often you get 50-60 bushel conventional soybeans. Don't brag about bs yields. especially when no one even knows you are.


                Jealousy will get you nowhere...

                Have you seen the difference here in circumference between RR beans and non-gmo??? That alone adds how much in yield. Even a dumb farmer like yourself should know bigger seed, bigger yields. I am growing beans that are 1100 seeds less per pound than your RR. Also spraying glyphosate on gmo soybeans will show a magnesium deficiency in the plant & will cause a yield reduction unless dealt with properly. I believe glyphosate might be doing other things to the soil as well. I ain't going to tell you all my secrets on growing a great crop. Except I farm from the ground up, not the plant down...

                I don't care if you don't believe my yields. Bushels in the bin don't tell no stories like you Comedians. Just letting you know it can be done. 80 Bushel routinely is my next goal...

                you are who dubsy???


                  I also like the Wheat and Canola rotation as don't like the oats and barley dust. Seems the peas here are just not producing like they used to and getting weedier. Was thinking to grow 100 percent soft wheat this coming year, I see 5 bucks in my crystal ball from ethanol plants next year, nothing wrong with that plus a 65 bpa plus yield perfect year which is my average will gross me 1.462 million. The corp will be having a tax problem, so I am not pre buying any expenses this year some you saskfarmer99s may have to look at that problem. Downside is the midge spraying, but have own sprayer for that. Should brush up on the chemical rebaits before cutting canola completely, may be something there. OH f&%$ it, go Hawaii instead. Might have to buy the second Yamaha sled, just found out could have bought a new 2011 cheaper than the just purchased new 2010 same model. Different dealer of course. Hey what are others finding on machinery prices?
                  Guess I have toys too much on the brain lately.


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