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Fusarium resistance wheat

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    Fusarium resistance wheat

    On our farm I've been thinking about changing the variety of wheat we've been growing. What little wheat we do grow has been Osler and about 40% of our wheat production this year is going to be down graded because of fusarium. So, I started looking around and found Syngenta has a variety called wr859cl that is claimed to have good resistance to fhb. Has anyone grown this variety and if so was there a fusarium difference between 859 and any of the other varieties you grew? Thanks and still shopping....

    from our experience ac barrie is still one of the better varieties for fhb, glenn wht out of north dakota is pretty good, as is 5602. I have been growing glenn for two years now, yeild is good, fhb is decent, short straw. We spray all wheat acres with folicur, or prozaro(folicur/proline combo). There is no silver bullet to fhb other then not growing wheat, which is an option.



      What are you worried about, the cwb has a program that bumps your grade to a 2 if you have fusarium, thus paying you a premium to grow it.

      The smarter thing would be to go buy a bunch of #2 at a sight premium over the current initial and blend it yourself. Easy money.


        859CL and Glenn have similiar high tolerances for fusarium. There is no such thing in the market now that can claim resistance.


          Bucket,other than the fusarium problem with this wheat its actually nice looking wheat. I don't have a secret decoder ring so not fully up to speed or familiar with all cwb programs, so doubtful if were going to bite on their feed wheat program, may just carry over to next year?
          Shaney,I was of the same thought as you. No variety has resistance to fhb. I'm just looking for info on what their technical bulletin claims. And that is, Fhb resistance: Good


            Then save it for next year or later in this year.

            One other option would be to gravity table it and see if you can't reduce it to grade.


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