Lets discuss since from my earlier post most have got a great understanding of marketing. Canola my god we get it, wow so why will it be any different with HRS or Durum or Barley. The answer is simple it wont. We farmers know how to market and buy the comments from Mallee about the grain companies having a lot of grades to enable farmers to sell their product it only proves they make money on moving product if like in Canada the CWB puts you in 3 good grades and one poor and doesn't pay you guess what no price no change in grades no incentive to do any thing. just hand over your product and trust us.
In ND and Australia farmers can lock in 2011 production Hm what can we do. Oh trust us we will do fine buy you attitude that has lost farmers of western Canada Billions.
In ND and Australia farmers can lock in 2011 production Hm what can we do. Oh trust us we will do fine buy you attitude that has lost farmers of western Canada Billions.