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Review of the CWB Election - Kevin Bender, WCWGA

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    This proves that it is the people of Alberta... and the people of Canada... that need to step up and take responsibility for this system... not just grain growers. When the CWB messes up... it costs both Provincial and Federal tax payers in safety net payments (no wonder Burbert and BTOfarmall are waiting at the mailbox). Therefore all voters are who must be the responsible voters.


      wd9 if you don't think the current system isn't complicated then you haven't looked at it closely enough.


        wd9 said, "Francisco, the CWB is an Act in legislation."

        Thats right it is and thats one of the reasons that director elections are not as significant as some would have us believe. The final say on things has always rested with the politicos not the farmers. 100% return rate with 100% of the votes going all in one directions wouldn't mean a thing if the folks in Ottawa want to go in the opposite direction.


          And yet i read Minister Ritz is committed to ending the CWB, or giving marketing choice to farmers i guess more specifically. Maybe our words are different, but the end result i believe you and i want is the same. We need a minister who will actually do something is the issue here on the table, not arguing about the scraps on the floor.

          When will Ritz do something?


            Burbert. your criticism of the WCWGA is a glowing compliment for the organization. I would be very afraid if I agreed with anything you have to say.


              I agree with Franciso's statement that the power to change the cwb is with the federal parlament...that is where the legislation can be changed.

              Check the date on the Ritz statements....I think he has been Blaa..Blaa.. for years and he can't get anything done. The minority gov't can't do anything and they don't want to trade the cwb for something the bloc wants...


                I have no idea when they might do something. Heck they're not even talking about doing anything anymore let alone trying different things. I could give them some slack if at least they showed some kind of effort on this file but there's been nothing.



                  At our federal Policy Congress in ALberta in November... the CWB was often and directly referenced. The desire for change in the CWB is as strong at least... as it was in 2006 from what I saw. How to act with the Bloc and Goodale teaming with the NDP is a huge challenge.

                  The feds know the CWB is costing grain growers in both returns and tight crop rotations that hurt Canola sustainability in the long run.


                    That may be but when was the last time we actually heard the feds say anything publicly about the CWB?


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