<i>”why didn't you sell it all to the feeder?”</i>
I'm asking myself the same question. I'm asking myself why should I have to? If the CWB can't/won't be competitive, why
Delivered to the CWB during harvest (Sept. 16). Looked at my cheque, and I sold the stuff to the feeder later. From the links that Charlie gave(thanks Charlie), it looks like the FPC would have given me 4.74 less all the usual charges (net 1.12) for $3.64 in my pocket. So my 3.76 from the pool paid a bit of interest, so I'll call it a wash between the FPC and the pool price.
The north central Montana price on the day (December 29) I made the deal with the feeder was $4.28/bushel. That same day the FPC would have paid me $3.74.
The elephant in the room is why it is somehow a good idea that the CWB is allowed to expropriate my winter wheat if it's a #1, when they can't even beat a feed price, let alone the world price? <b>The only power the CWB is exerting is its power to <i>drive the price of feed wheat down</i>, by forcing more good wheat into the feed market.</b>
I'm asking myself the same question. I'm asking myself why should I have to? If the CWB can't/won't be competitive, why
Delivered to the CWB during harvest (Sept. 16). Looked at my cheque, and I sold the stuff to the feeder later. From the links that Charlie gave(thanks Charlie), it looks like the FPC would have given me 4.74 less all the usual charges (net 1.12) for $3.64 in my pocket. So my 3.76 from the pool paid a bit of interest, so I'll call it a wash between the FPC and the pool price.
The north central Montana price on the day (December 29) I made the deal with the feeder was $4.28/bushel. That same day the FPC would have paid me $3.74.
The elephant in the room is why it is somehow a good idea that the CWB is allowed to expropriate my winter wheat if it's a #1, when they can't even beat a feed price, let alone the world price? <b>The only power the CWB is exerting is its power to <i>drive the price of feed wheat down</i>, by forcing more good wheat into the feed market.</b>