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Marketing Canola!!!!!

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    Marketing Canola!!!!!

    Ok ps on CWB lets concentrate on what makes money!!!

    Argentina got a spit but next 10 to 15 are dry and dryer. Its getting hot down their.
    Brazil here is one lots of farmers saw potential in growing cotton instead of Soy this spring and the extra acreage even with a great crop of soy will have the USDA down sizing even the Brazilian crop.
    Just a heads up.
    Take your note books Ipads blackberry's with you this winter on holidays as its going to get interesting.
    Oh yea the Oats guys ps on then they will be short in Feb DONT SELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Warburton must just love the CWB supplying them with C H E A P H R S. so they don't have to go to the market to buy it.


      We get what we deserve, until we collect all these facts and demand change or simply vote out the mono people we will continue to supply the world with cheap grains.


        Oats seems sooo lagging the market. Will have a 3rd birthday here soon, patience wearing thin. IMHO, it's a dead "horse" due to f'all demand without horse market.


          Oats has slowly been creeping up, close to $3.7-$3.9,
          depending on basis, this crop still has a lot more
          upside potential, hang on for a good Jan-March prices


            Sold 60000 bushels of 2009 canola for $12.42 the rest of 2009 and 2010's canola is staying locked in the bin.Told the buyers how much i got yet,and if they want it i want to see $15.Until then it can stay locked in the bins,had a price offered to me of just over $13 today,asked them if they don't understand what $15 means?I'm not in no hurry to sell anymore.


              Yea I know $5.00 is where we will let it all go and wont grow any in 2011 unless their is contracts for $4.50.
              Horses aren't the problem.


                Can'ts waite to lock ins $15 per Bushels New Crop NG Soys. She's a comin, I hopes. Needs da Cash to Battle da Hutts.......


                  BTO stop embarrassing yourself!


                    BTO your not even funny any more!!!
                    Talk of possible strike in Argentina since this afternoon stoping crush and loading operations.
                    South American soybean producing countries are likely to produce 124.9 million tons vs 134.12 million thats a 10 million drop.HM



                      Never have seen so many S-Bee trucks on the road moving grain/Canola... 2 loads yesterday... 5 hours in line ups.


                        Lots of B's going N on 35 to Nipawin. It's been steady all fall and trucker says still busy.


                          Lots of grain semi's on every highway in western Canada. Even freight haulers are commenting.

                          Wonder if it has anything to with rail service rationalization. Or grain Co's centralization/amalgamation. Or is it farmer diversification/ specialization.

                          One thing for sure is we know who is paying for it.


                            wmoebis I tink da Super B's are haulin' all that off grade grain yous all grow this year. Da elevators need to blend da grains. Sees what happens when yous stay in bed and race to the coffee shop once up???

                            Rip up some more chu chu train tracks. Feels good don't it???

                            Saskfarmerthird I makes myself laugh, all that matters.....


                              BTO stop embarrassing yourself!


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