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Do the CWB Payrolled Deserve a Christmas Party?

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    Do the CWB Payrolled Deserve a Christmas Party?

    Did they have Christmas parties? How about Directors? How much was spent on Staff Parties? I don't think they even deserved Chinese oranges. Pars


    Be NICE.

    Most folks at the CWB are decent.... they are simply doing what they are told to do. Ian White is a good example. Ian can only do what the BOD and Government tell him to do.


      That is really low Mister(Mrs)! X-mas Vacation.


        Parsley, are you the Grinch? There are many other
        large Corporations out there whose bottom line you
        contribute to whose Christmas parties cost in the
        hundreds of thousands. But you do not complain
        about them! Tom is right. Most of those people at
        the CWB are like everyone elsewhere - they applied
        for jobs, were hired, and try to do the best they can
        to accomplish what they have been told to do,
        within the terms of reference in their job
        descriptions and the tools they've been given by
        their masters. And if you or anyone else thinks you
        can do way better - please submit your resumes
        and salary expectations ASAP because you may
        likely be needed if you have that much talent and
        expertise. (a little tongue in cheek there). Merry
        Christmas everyone and may friends and family
        surround you with laughter and warm feelings this
        special time of year.
        Rockpile Ho! HO! Ho!


          You bet I'm a grinch. Enough money is going to be hard to come by, and to think otherwiuse is folly.

          Hallmark cards are now $4 each A loaf of bread is $4 An avocado is $2. It's called inflation. And the first folks to pull back from the pooling banquet table should be the big spenders. You're not and I'm not, because we have traditionally gotten the leftovers.

          Times must change. Time for the grunts to get the leftovers.

          Farmers cannot afford to throw bashes for non-performers. They had no problem sneaking your "lavish" final payment to you in the middle of a Fridaynight, did they now? Did they care?

          Quit being a hypocrite, Tom. Either you believe in thriftiness with farmers' momey or you do not. And don't give me the "poor employees" crap. They all have grand packages.

          They can celebrate Christmas on their own dime.



            do you begrudge the spending of money on staff Christmas parties at Viagra, the co-ops or any other input supplier? How about Sasktel, SGI, etc?

            Like was said before..... the CWB people aren't much different than each of us. They try to do their best, and as can be said for anyone, they won't be able to satisfy some of you, even if the price of Durum was $10.

            Merry Christmas to you all...... Bah Humbug to the rest.


              "do you begrudge the spending of money on staff Christmas parties at Viagra, the co-ops or any other input supplier? How about Sasktel, SGI"


              Staff members often hate attending, I have been told time and time again.

              They are a complete waste of money.
              Sasktel's money is your money. SGI's money is your money. By the time you add up all the money you spend on Christmas parties....think about it!

              If they were useful, yes. They are not.

              I am indeed a grinch. Pars



                Poke a stick in someone's eye... expect to get a reaction.

                Part of being a 'Human Being' is being kind and charitable.

                The witness we leave behind to our children and grandchildren is much more important than cash in a bank.

                If anyone should be angry about the CWB... it should be me... after all the heartache they caused me and my family yesterday over 1 load of wheat that was put on a GDC.

                But; we must be forgiving. We have an obligation to do better. I am trying... the CWB will only better serve grain growers if we lead them in that course of action. Not easy... but then all good things in life come with sacrifice and diligence!

                You know that Parsley... NOW BE NICE!

                Merry Christmas!


                  I think they should take the money they would spend on a party and donate it to some worthy charity. Performance like they are exhibiting does not deserve celebration.

                  I say this due to the year we just went through and by looking at the prices around the world that we are not able to access.


                    Pars...... bah humbug to you!

                    Those people have worked hard for a Christmas reward. Yes, it might seem hollow in a bigger company but its not your money they are spending BTW.

                    Its money they they have worked hard for, providing a service that someone needed, and chose to purchase. Its for the after hour service they provide waiting at the Chemical shed for someone's hired man or wife to show up while they missed thier kids soccer game. Its the elevator agent that kept the lights on when you called to say you have another truck load on the way.

                    Its the mechanic that delivers the new drive belt on his way home without so much as a Thank You. Or the farm supply clerk that that got an earful of profanity when you complained about the price of gas....

                    They deserve some sort of reward, they earned it! While you might be an Oscar Leroy........ they earned their pay cheques.


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